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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 722

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 721

Mr. Jones shut up, and Don Albertt pulled the third person who had volunteered before him, and asked Charlie Wade: “Master Wade, what is the third person engraved on his head?”
Charlie Wade replied: “Sean is gay.”

Don Albertt nodded and waved his big hand, six bloody big characters were engraved on the man’s forehead.
Immediately afterwards, it was the fourth.

Don Albertt said to Charlie Wade: “Master Wade, it’s seven words this time.”
“Yeah.” Charlie Wade thought for a while and said: “Then Donald is incompetent.”
Don Albertt couldn’t help but laughed and said, “Master Wade, why is the bird incompetent? Shouldn’t it be sex?”

Charlie Wade waved his hand: “Sex is a sensitive word. You can’t use it indiscriminately. If you let the girls see it, you will blush.”
Immediately afterwards, Don Albertt finished the calligraphy of the fourth person’s body.

The last one left is Mr. Jones.
Mr. Jones looked at the blood on his four little brothers’ heads and faces, and was frightened.
He is a very arrogant person.

He has always been strong and unmatched, which gave him the best illusion in the world. The more he has this illusion, the more serious the burden of idols.
However, he really didn’t dare to say a word of bullshit at this time, otherwise, he was really afraid that Charlie Wade would let Don Albertt engrave himself as a teacher!

Not to mention carving out the teacher’s table, even if it is a song, it can’t stand it!
So he could only silently tremble and cry, waiting for the moment when his fame was destroyed.
At this moment, Mr. Jones had only one wish in his heart, that is, Charlie Wade must not let Don Albertt engrave too vulgar sentences for himself.

However, he did not understand Charlie Wade.
The more this time, the more Charlie Wade likes to be vulgar.
Holding a bloody knife, Don Albertt pointed to Mr. Jones, who was pale, and asked, “Master Wade,

what did this grandson carve?”
Charlie Wade thought for a while and said, “Isn’t these eight characters? Be casual, close to the people, and grounded at that moment.”

After speaking, Charlie Wade said again: “In this way, I’ll poop to Sean to eat for him.”
Mr. Jones felt ashamed when he heard these eight words.
Don Albertt hurriedly asked, “Master Wade, is it wrong?

Kian, not Sean, likes to eat shit.”
Charlie Wade waved his hand casually and said, “Oh, it’s the same. Anyway, he wants to show Donald and Sean when he goes back. It’s better to carve Sean.”
“Go!” Don Albertt nodded immediately and said: “Then I will engrave him, a bit bigger and a bit deeper!”

Mr. Jones looked at the bloody tip of the knife and cried, “Don Albertt! I beg you to do one thing?”
Don Albertt said impatiently, “Why are you so much nonsense?”
Mr. Jones cried and said, “I just want you to change the knife. This knife has been carved from Mrr.. Lloyd, and it has been carved by five people. It is not disinfected. It is easy to get sick. In case anyone has one. AIDS or something, isn’t that a cross infection…”

When Mr. Jones said this, the other four people trembled with fright.
One of them blurted out and asked: “Are you three free of AIDS?!”
“No!” The other three shook their heads.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 722

But whether it is true or not, no one knows.
Don Albertt was also a little annoyed at this time, and slapped Mr. Jones’s face with a slap, and cursed: “Just your bullshit, if you don’t believe it, I will give you a preface to the King of Teng?”
Mr. Jones was drawn to stare at Venus. At this time, he really didn’t dare to say any more, so he could only cry while enduring Don Albertt’s sharp blade.

He could feel the sensation of the tip of the knife cutting the skin on his forehead and touching the skull. The sharp pain made him almost faint, and the blood was constantly dripping from his forehead, even making him unable to open his eyes at all.

He had to regret and regret at this moment in his heart. He knew that today, no matter how much Donald gave, he would not be able to kill Don Albertt…
Unfortunately, in this world, there is no regret medicine to take…

At this time, Donald’s five bodyguards all became human calligraphy works, and all five faces were terrible. Especially the last Mr. Jones was carved with eight characters directly, and his forehead was not enough, so he borrowed the place of his face.

The whole face looked terrifying.
Moreover, the words engraved on their faces are all insults to the Webb family, and it is estimated that the Webb family will see their lungs explode.

Mr. Jones cried and asked, “Master Wade, can you let us go?”
Charlie Wade said: “Of course you can let it go, but in order to prevent you people from continuing to help the gang, I have to teach you a lesson!”

After all, Charlie Wade grabbed the person in front of him, smashed his two arms with two punches, and the remaining few people did the same.
In the blink of an eye, all of these people’s arms were scrapped.

In the future, wanting to be a bodyguard, a killer, and a thug is absolutely useless. No one will hire such a disabled person as a bodyguard.
Therefore, it is certainly impossible for them to continue to harm society in the future.
The five of them had been tortured at this time and looked uncomfortable, and it felt that even if they were caught in the temple of Yama, they would feel more comfortable than here.
Charlie Wade is too human!

His method of torture is simply unheard of…
At this time, Charlie Wade stood up with satisfaction and said coldly: “You five, go back and bring words to Donald and Sean. If you want to target me, just let them go, but if you dare to involve me. The rest of the people, then I will make the entire Webb family irresistible!”
The five people struggled to get up with their legs and ran out of Heaven Springs in a very embarrassing manner.

After the five people fled, Don Albertt asked Charlie Wade: “Master Wade, Mrr.. Lloyd, Marcus’s video, what are you going to do with it? Do you want to upload Facebook now?”
Charlie Wade waved his hand and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, wait a while, let Mrr.. Lloyd and Marcus run for a while, or I will be seen by the Webb family as soon as I let go, and the Webb family will offer a reward. Their lives, then they may not survive tomorrow morning and have to report to Hades.”

Don Albertt hurriedly said, “Isn’t it better to die? These two people should have died a long time ago as dogs with Webb’s family!”
Charlie Wade smiled and said: “If you didn’t make this video, it would naturally be the most worry-free killing them, but since the video has been filmed, it would naturally make them live the most worry-free, because they only need to live, Webb The family will be laughed at by the people all over the country, and will be immersed in the pain of humiliation and anger all day long, unable to extricate themselves! Therefore, Mrr.. Lloyd and Marcus have to be kept alive! They are alive, this is interesting!”

Don Albertt nodded immediately and said, “I understand Master Wade!”
After that, Don Albertt asked again: “Master Wade, what about Donald and Sean?”
Charlie Wade looked at the time and said, “I guess these five people will go to Donald to complain and complain now, but Donald is a very dogged person.

If the situation is wrong, he will definitely run away, maybe even overnight. Take Sean back to Eastcliff.”
Don Albertt blurted out: “Master Wade, then we have to find a way, we can’t let the tiger go back to the mountain!”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “It’s okay to let the tigers go back to the mountain. After all, the Webb family is more than these two tigers. Let them go back first to bring out more tigers. The best way is to find an opportunity to kill them all at once. !”

Speaking of this, Charlie Wade asked Don Albertt: “Have you heard a word?”
Don Albertt hurriedly asked, “Master Wade, what are you talking about?”
Charlie Wade smiled and said, “A family, it just needs to be neat and tidy!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 723

Jacob Wilson has been in the corner, silently watching his son-in-law turn things around and kill all quarters, and he is extremely shocked.
He didn’t understand why Charlie Wade had such a strong strength and such a strong aura.
This is totally two extremes from Charlie Wade, who is usually called and drunk by Elaine Ma at home!

At this time, Charlie Wade stepped forward to him and asked, “Dad, are you okay?”
Jacob Wilson hurriedly shook his head and said, “It’s okay, it’s okay, oh, fortunately you came in time, otherwise I will be miserable…”
Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “Dad, you are fine. I have already taught these people, are you satisfied?”

“Satisfied and satisfied!” Jacob Wilson nodded, and then said a little worried: “Charlie Wade, were you a bit too cruel just now? That Webb family… won’t come to avenge you, right? ?”
Charlie Wade smiled and said: “When dealing with Webb family, you can’t be afraid of their revenge. If you don’t provoke him, he will kill you. Then instead of doing this, it’s better to do it with him, what do you think?”

Jacob Wilson said embarrassingly, “That’s right, but I’m just worried. They bit us hard. We don’t have the money or the big business of their family. If we really do it, we might want to Lost!”
Charlie Wade waved his hand: “Dad, don’t worry, I will protect Claire Wilson Wilson, as well as the safety of you and mom. Don’t worry about that.”
Jacob Wilson nodded um.

Charlie Wade said again: “By the way, Dad, in order not to worry Claire Wilson Wilson and Mom about this matter, we must not tell them both when we go back.”
“That’s that!” How dare Jacob Wilson say, if Elaine Ma knew about such a big thing, he wouldn’t be able to fry it? It must be upset at home!

Charlie Wade relaxed.
The only thing I’m afraid of is that the old man can’t keep his mouth shut and tell what happened today.
But he seemed scared enough to see him, I guess this matter can be stabilized.
Charlie Wade immediately said to Don Albertt: “Don Albertt, find more subordinates to accompany you these days, and by the way, find some subordinates to protect my family members secretly, don’t take it lightly.”

Don Albertt nodded immediately: “Master Wade, please rest assured, Don Albertt will make arrangements!”
“Yeah.” Charlie Wade smiled slightly: “Okay, I just came to take my dad home. Now that the matter is resolved, we should also go back.”
After finishing speaking, he said to Jacob Wilson, “Dad, shall we go?”
“Good, good.”

Jacob Wilson nodded hurriedly.
He just wants to go home quickly and digest the whole bunch of things that just happened.
While Charlie Wade took Jacob Wilson home, Mrr.. Lloyd and his son were at home like bandits, frantically tossing and cleaning the gold and silver at home.
Marcus’s mother hadn’t figured out what was going on.

Seeing that her husband was also engraved with words on his forehead, and it was the four characters of the father of the poor, she hurried forward to ask.
Mrr.. Lloyd blurted out: “Don’t ask so much, we are in a big disaster now, and we must pack our things quickly.

We must leave Aurouss Hilll tonight, otherwise we may die without a place to bury!”
“Ah?!” Marcus’s mother hurriedly asked: “Where are we going?”
“Go to Malaysia!” Mrr.. Lloyd said, “Go to my brother, and never return to China again!”
“What?!” Marcus’s mother collapsed instantly and cried out: “Why are you going to Malaysia suddenly? I can’t come back later?

What about my parents? What about my brothers and sisters?”
Mrr.. Lloyd questioned: “You don’t want your life anymore? Give it back to your parents. Your parents are doing well in Aurouss Hilll. Now the trouble is that our family of three will die. Maybe your parents will come to give it to you. The three of us collect the corpses? Hurry up and pack my things!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 724

When Marcus’s mother heard this, she didn’t dare to say more. She knew the situation was serious, so she hurriedly started to pack her things.
Mrr.. Lloyd asked Marcus at this time: “Look at Facebook, has our video been sent by Charlie Wade?”
Marcus opened his hands and said, “My phone is at Charlie Wade’s. Charlie Wade used my phone to take pictures.”

“Damn it.” Mrr.. Lloyd hurriedly took out his mobile phone, threw it to Marcus, and said, “Hurry up and see!”
Marcus took the phone and immediately started downloading and installing the app.
After swiping a few videos on Facebook, he found that there was no cross talk between himself and his father. He was a little relieved and said, “Charlie Wade probably hasn’t posted yet.”
“That’s good.”

Mrr.. Lloyd nodded and said, “Let’s not delay, go quickly! Let’s leave in half an hour!”
After finishing speaking, he told his wife, “Don’t bring anything you can’t finish with. Call your mother back and ask her to help us sell everything for cash, and then take it to the black market and exchange it for US dollars.

Let’s, when we get to Malaysia, the renminbi will not work well, so we have to use the U.S. dollar!”
His wife nodded quickly: “I’ll call her later, because she has our spare key!”
At this moment, Mr. Jones and other five broken arms have returned to Shangri-La Hotel.
All five of them had no arms and could not drive a car, so they could only hit two cars.
When taking a taxi, a lot of drivers didn’t dare to pull it when they saw it, and ran away in a hurry.

After all, these five guys are too scary, one by one, bloody and scornful, and more importantly, there are damn words engraved on their heads, this is absolutely abnormal!
Later, Mr. Jones was in a hurry. He promised ten Dollar for the road and gave ten thousand Dollar, and then he stopped a rental car.

After stopping, the five people squeezed in.
The driver hurriedly said: “Oh, my car can take up to five people with the driver and passengers. You have one more. Let’s get another one!”

Mr. Jones said angrily: “What the hell is so much nonsense, I will give you 10,000 Dollar, can’t you get one more?”
As soon as the driver heard this, he had no choice but to bear it, nodded and said: “Then you sit behind the four squeeze, don’t close the door.”

Four people desperately squeezed in the back row. Mr. Jones sat in the passenger seat and said with a gloomy expression: “Go to the Shangri-La Hotel, drive faster!”
The driver subconsciously said: “Five, if you are injured like this, why not go to the hospital first?”
“If you fcking talk, I will fck you!”
Mr. Jones looked upset.

The driver shrank his neck in shock.
The other younger brothers couldn’t help saying, “Brother, let’s go to the hospital first, at least stop the bleeding and see if the shoulder can be saved…”


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