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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade novel Chapter 757

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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 756

At this time, Claire Wilson Wilson was also about to collapse.
On the one hand, my father is about to divorce, and my mother is about to commit suicide. In the meantime, my mother can still have a big quarrel on the balcony with a person who only hears his voice and does not know who it is, and the quarrel is so unbearable…
Jacob Wilson was also a little flustered.

He knew that Elaine Ma’s fighting power was fierce, but he didn’t expect to be so fierce… If she insists on divorcing her, will she stay in front of her for the rest of her life and curse? What is the difference between such a life and hell?

Thinking of this, Jacob Wilson sighed in his heart, secretly thinking that today’s marriage might not be possible. Even if I can leave, Old Wilson still dare not leave in my heart…
After Elaine Ma cursed the street on the balcony and victoriously opened the flag, he wanted to open it too.

After thinking for a few minutes on the balcony, she climbed down again, patted the dust on her body, walked back to the house and said to Jacob Wilson, “Jacob Wilson, you can get a divorce, and the house belongs to me. Give me 50,000 Dollar a month for living expenses. , You are not allowed to move to Thompson First villa with us, you will leave the house alone and find a way to live by yourself!”

Jacob Wilson was mad and blurted: “Why? You are the sinner in this family! It is you, not me, who should go out of the house!”
Elaine Ma sternly said: “Want to drive me away?

There are no doors! I definitely won’t leave. By then, I will live in the villa of Thompson First!”
“Why are you so shameless!” Jacob Wilson is going crazy, what’s the matter? Just now, the initiative was still in his own hands, why would he be eaten by Elaine Ma again when he turned his face?
Elaine Ma gave it up right now and said disdainfully: “I’m just shameless! What can you do? I tell you, if you want to divorce me, then I won’t make you feel better.

The old lady is not afraid of wearing shoes. If you don’t believe me, try it!”
“You…” Jacob Wilson’s aggrieved tears rolled in his eyes.
Charlie Wade couldn’t help sighing when he saw this.
It seems that Jacob Wilson has lost again in this wave.

The key is that the loser is uncomfortable!
Seeing Jacob Wilson’s fierce attack, he was about to push up the opponent’s high ground. In the end, he did not expect that the opponent would directly rise up, rush to tear down his base, and complete a beautiful counter-kill… .

Loss! Lost to grandma’s house… Charlie Wade couldn’t help feeling extremely sorry.
Jacob Wilson was really persuaded at this time. He didn’t know what to do at once, and he was in a dilemma.
Get a divorce, it may be a real clean-up, and this old lady may be like a dog, chasing herself and biting for the rest of her life;

Let’s not leave, this is really uncomfortable, and the desire to die is all there…
At this moment, Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly opened the mouth to complete the battle, saying: “Mom and dad, don’t quarrel. The past is over. Can’t we live a good life in the future? You both step back, and mom will not worry about the money, and play less mahjong.

Dad, you manage the money, but don’t talk about the previous things.”
Jacob Wilson said with a sad face, “I will be in charge of the money in the future? Where is the money from this family let me control…”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 757

When Elaine Ma saw Jacob Wilson a little bit about to compromise at this time, she hurriedly changed her compliment and said, “Oh my husband, our family will definitely be able to make money in the future! From now on, the company will make money. She gave it to us. All the money will be kept by you, and you will be in charge of the financial power of our family in the future, okay?”

Jacob Wilson felt a little relieved when he heard this.
Thinking that if I head-to-head with Elaine Ma, I might not be able to get a bargain, so I simply borrowed the donkey from the slope, which was considered a default solution.
Elaine Ma thought to himself, Jacob Wilson, I can’t help my mother?

Now I have no money, so on the surface, if you are in charge of financial power, you are just a hollow shell.
As long as she has money from now on, my old lady will definitely bring back the financial power!
Thinking of this, she was very proud, and quickly coaxed Jacob Wilson and said, “My husband, you are so kind. I will cook tomorrow by myself and make your favorite braised prawns with oil!”

Seeing that the two had passed this hurdle safely, Claire Wilson Wilson was relieved, but Charlie Wade was a group of regrets.
This old man, I was really awkward to death, and it was for the sake of being so close, and it was really hopeless to be able to provoke again.

Regardless, it is his own life anyway, since he chooses to continue to suffer in dire straits, let him go.
When a farce ended, Charlie Wade and Claire Wilson Wilson went back to the room with their own thoughts.
In the room, Claire Wilson Wilson immediately showed a sad face.
Charlie Wade hurriedly asked: “Wife. What’s wrong with you?”

Claire Wilson Wilson shook his head, sighed, and said, “My mother really makes me helpless, more than two million Dollar, if you don’t have it, it will be gone, hey…”
Charlie Wade comforted: “My wife, if you are worried about money, don’t take it too seriously.

My husband looks back and thinks of ways to make more money back.”
Claire Wilson Wilson said: “I’m not worried about money, I’m worried about people, you say my mother is really uneasy!”
Charlie Wade said helplessly: “There is no way, what kind of mother is, you know better than me.”
Claire Wilson Wilson nodded and sighed, “It’s because I’m clear that I have no choice.

I can see that my mother hasn’t really regretted it at all. When my dad is gone, she must be the same again.”
Charlie Wade comforted her and said, “Don’t think about it so much now, you are busy with your affairs, don’t worry too much about family affairs, parents are not young anymore, they are adults, and they can find a way for their own affairs.”

After speaking, Charlie Wade said again: “As for Thompson First purchase of furniture and home appliances, I will find a way.”
“Huh?” Claire Wilson Wilson asked in surprise: “What can you do?”
Charlie Wade said: “I happened to have another feng shui job in the past two days. I should be able to make a fortune. Then I can just use it to buy furniture and home appliances, and then we can move in.”

Claire Wilson Wilson said with some worry: “I’m just afraid that you will always show you Feng Shui. What if you are not optimistic one day and provoke others? After all, they are all decent figures.”
Charlie Wade said with a smile: “I don’t show people the feng shui indiscriminately. Generally, after reading it, it does have a certain effect.

You can just say that the Moore family’s father Moore, someone can make the Moore family more than 100 billion in assets. , What a great person is this? I think if Feng Shui is really ineffective, how can people believe me?”
Claire Wilson Wilson hesitated for a moment, nodded lightly, and said: “It makes sense.”

Immediately, Claire Wilson Wilson said again: “You must not lie, don’t cause trouble, don’t be like my mother, understand?”
Charlie Wade nodded and smiled: “My wife, don’t worry! I know it in my heart.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 758

“Yeah.” Claire Wilson Wilson said, “I’ll take a shower.”
When Charlie Wade and Claire Wilson Wilson were already laying down and preparing to rest, a heavy helicopter screamed over the city of Southaven.
The Webb family, father and son, spent two hours on the helicopter, and finally arrived over the Webb family’s top luxury villa in Southaven.

The whole family of Webb family was waiting on the big lawn of the villa at this time. The family already knew what happened to them in Aurouss Hilll. At this time, they all wanted to come over to meet and comfort them.
Kian also followed his mother at this time, waiting on the side of the lawn.

Donald and Sean on the plane, as the plane continued to descend, they also saw their relatives waiting on the ground. Both were in tears.
The experience in Aurouss Hilll was like purgatory, which caused great suffering for both of them.
Now that they finally returned home, they were naturally filled with emotion!

When the plane landed and the door opened, Webb’s servants hurriedly helped the father and son and Mr. Jones and other five people to get off the plane.
Seeing that both father and son had broken their legs, Sean even broke his hand. Both father and son cried and blushed, and the whole Webb family was shocked.

They have not yet figured out why the eldest son and grandson of the Webb family went to Aurouss Hilll to become so miserable, like having experienced a catastrophe…
When everyone saw the words on the foreheads of the five Mr. Jones, they were all dumbfounded!

When Kian saw the words “Kian loves to eat shit” engraved on one of them’s foreheads, he suddenly went crazy, rushed up and kicked him on his stomach, yelling, “Bad son, you What is written on his forehead?! Bring me a knife quickly, and I will cut off all the flesh on his forehead!”
The man cried and said, “Master, this is all carved by Aurouss Hilll Don Albertt! And he carved it very hard, it has been carved on the forehead…”

Donald also hurriedly said: “Qian, don’t be impulsive! These five people and the words on their foreheads can’t move!”
“Can’t move?!” Kian was mad and cursed: “Why can’t move? He engraved the words “I eat shit” on his forehead! This is humiliating me!”

Donald said: “The Wade Family’s spokesperson said, we can’t hurt them, don’t neglect them, let alone get rid of the words on their foreheads, otherwise, the Wade Family will not let us go!”
“Wade Family?!” Everyone present was dumbfounded.
Kian was also shocked.

When he was not attacking, he was a normal person, so he knew how powerful the Eastcliff Wade family was, and he was not the object of the Webb family to provoke.
It’s just that he can’t figure it out, why did the Wade family of Eastcliff target the Webb family? What did the Webb family do wrong?

When Donald saw her wife, she stepped forward and said with red eyes: “Husband, the video on Facebook is too insulting. She describes me as a woman who can do her best. I…I ……”
Donald held his wife in his arms distressedly, and said helplessly: “My wife, I worked hard on Facebook, but I didn’t expect that Eastcliff Wade’s family bought Facebook directly, and put the video on top, as did her husband.

There’s no way, but you shouldn’t be too serious about it, after all, it’s all nonsense, and anyone with a brain knows it’s not true.”
After speaking, Donald said again: “Don’t worry, I have sent someone to chase down these two video-recording dogs, they probably won’t survive tonight!”

Donald’s younger brother, Darius said with a distressed expression: “Brother, go and see our dad. After a heart attack, people can no longer get up. They are lying in our intensive care unit. …..”
Donald hurriedly said: “Quickly, someone will support me, hurry up and have a look!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 759

At this time, the Lord of the Webb family was already lying in the intensive care unit of his mansion.
Important indicators such as electrocardiogram, blood pressure, and blood oxygen are monitored all the time. In order to prevent the old man’s body from getting worse, he even specially infused nutrient solution and inhaled oxygen.

The video on Facebook really irritated Lord Webb. In addition, he was old and his anti-strike ability was not so strong, so he caught it all at once, almost out of breath for a myocardial infarction.
When Donald brought Sean, Kian, and his younger brother Darius to the intensive care unit, the old man was lying in bed angrily cursing.

“Two innocent dog things, dare to humiliate my Webb family openly, really damn it! If you don’t kill these two dog things, my Webb family will definitely be laughed at in Eastcliff all the year round! The majesty of my first family in Southaven is also There will be nothing left!”
Donald called the police when he saw the old man’s heart rate, he limped forward and blurted out: “Dad! You are like this, so don’t get angry!”

“You rubbish!” When Mr. Webb saw Donald, he scolded, “I asked you to go to Aurouss Hilll to find out who harmed Qian. It’s good for you. You shame my Webb family’s face!”
Donald said dejectedly: “Dad, this time I went to Aurouss Hilll, it was too far from what I expected.

Even if the Wade Family takes the lives of my father and son, we will not be able to resist!”
Elder Webb gave a cold snort and said, “If I didn’t think you had been injured, I would have gotten up and beat you personally!”

Donald could only knelt on the ground with a puff, and said ashamed: “Dad! It is Donald who is not doing things badly. He lost the face of the Webb family. Please punish me!”
Lord Webb said with a black face: “I ask you, are those two bastards killed?”
“Not yet.” Donald said hurriedly: “I have arranged for someone to go there. I believe I can find them soon and kill them!”

Elder Webb said: “After the person is killed, the media must report the deaths of these two people, so that the whole region must know, offending the Webb family’s fate!”
Donald nodded quickly: “Don’t worry, Dad, I will definitely get this thing done!”

Lord Webb asked again: “Did you delete the video on Facebook?”
“Deleted…” Donald didn’t dare to say that Facebook had been bought by the Wade family, for fear that the old man would get angry.
Lord Webb gave a hum and said, “Remember what I said, I want those two bastards to die! Within 24 hours, they must die!”


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