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The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon) novel Chapter 113

Jessica’s Pov

For two weeks I stalked Josh, I wanted to find out where his stance was on ending Thalia and her useless boyfriend. However to my disappointment, he was relaxed, he was behaving like Thalia’s new lost cousin or brother.

It was a disgusting sight that made me puke every time I saw him. Every night I followed him to her house but I always maintained my distance. It was weird that he always went to visit that useless daughter of his at night.

A daughter that was supposed to be mine but Thalia took that opportunity away from me. Now I was stuck with a demon inside of me. Why he was visiting at night was another mystery.

I wondered if they sat around the dining table and exchanged recipes or if they laughed at each other for all the horrible things they did to each other. But it was the s*upid smile that he always came out with from the house that made my blood boil.

The fool was happy, he had been manipulated and bought with visitation rights. They played him well and he was too s*upid to see it. Thalia would have cherished seeing him suffer but she knew she was caught in a web and she used her head.

She used the baby, his mouth shut for the visitation. Every night I followed him, never tired, sometimes I would arrive earlier and just watch the beautiful mansion and the people that went in and out.

I once lived in a similar mansion once but some s*upidresentful and revengeful ex-wife f*cked it all app for me and forced me to move into an ugly family house. The happy days were definitely numbered for that b*tch, I could tell myself.

There I was in my special corner of the street where I would pack and wait for the biggest idiot in the world. The idiot who got castrated and paid with a night visit for his own daughter. It was a pathetic sight to watch.

Just like every day that evening, I waited for him and he came out laughing and hitting his hand in the air like he had just won the lottery. I was tempted to run him over but that would only make things easier for Thalia and leave her free of him. I was very sure a small part of her was itching to get rid of him.

Or maybe they were setting up a plan to finish him off. It was like when farmers fattened their cows for a big s*aughter. That could be the only explanation why they stopped destroying him and he was too blind to see it.

I followed his taxi to his apartment and got out. I hesitated a bit whether to knock or turn around but I had come a long way. I gathered some guts and knocked on the door. When he opened it and realized it was me, he tried to close the door but I pushed it and let myself in.

“Jessica, get out!” He yelled.

“I came to inform you about our new divorce hearing date,” I replied.

“My lawyer already informed me, now leave and how did you find this address?”

“Can I use your bathroom?” I quickly asked, I needed to think fast and use my head if I was to stay long enough to share my plan with him. He glanced at me p*ssed, I just couldn’t get how he was comfortable seeing Thalia’s face while mine disgusted him.

She was the one that was responsible for making him impotent for life. I only f*cked his father, I never took anything from him unlike what Thalia did to him. But there he was staring at me like I had cut off his balls. Every inch of me made his skin crawl.

“Josh, I’m pregnant unless you want me to urinate on myself,” I said without a second thought. I was really desperate, like f*cking desperate but I forgot that mentioning my pregnancy was only going to bring bad memories for him.

I watched as his face tensed up, his hands rounded up into fists like he was about to hit me. I looked away and closed my eyes in anticipation of a big blow.

“The toilet is to your left,” he said, surprising me.

I opened my eyes and watched as he moved away to the kitchen counter. I could see a lot of papers on the table like he was some sort of student or he was looking for work. I did not want to bite more than I could chew so I ignored my surroundings.

“Thank you,” I said and went to the toilet. I immediately closed the door and breathed in hard, for a minute I thought he was going to hit me. I took my time in the bathroom and gathered myself up. I wanted him to cool down before I got out, I waited for like thirty minutes before walking out.

I noticed he had put away all the papers and books I had previously noticed. I began beating myself for wasting time in the toilet. He was still seated on the counter and sipping on a beer. His eyes were fixed on me like he was ready to throw me out.

I walked to a seat next to him without invitation.

“What are you doing?” he asked. I stayed quiet and looked away. “The door is open Jessica, please leave.”

“I’m sorry, but I feel a little dizzy. I just want to get my breath out before I continue on my way,” I lied.

“You can catch your breath in your car, is that not your car outside?”

“Josh I need fresh air, not a s*upidcar! Can you have some compassion!” I yelled at him. He stared at me for a second then got up from the chair, excusing himself. I quickly got up and said the first thing that came to my mind.

“I’m thinking of writing a book about our lives.”

He stopped, turned, and stared at me

“My life, you, Thalia, Brandon, Victor, your baby, and the b*stard inside me,” I outlined.

“Are you s*upid? Our lives are already all over the useless internet and magazines!”


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