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The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon) novel Chapter 4

Chapter 4 

I was stunned and had no idea why. But I was so confident when responding to the man in front of me. I never stood up for myself before, maybe it was because I was going to end my life. He, on the other hand, was acting as if he owned the silly bridge. His c**kiness was starting to grate on my nerves.

“Two minutes ago you stated that my body would get in your way, so you jump first,” I yelled at him.

Or maybe it was because he was sick and weak, and I had always been the weak one in my life and it was very easy for people to pick on me.

Suddenly, he started coughing violently, causing the bridge to move forward and backward. He closed his mouth, and the dark clots splattered all over him and my face once more.

He appeared to be ill with an infectious illness. Or perhaps a lethal infection which he got by from a biological weapon. But who cared if he infected me; I was ready to die anyway, but I was intrigued.

“What disease do you have?” I asked without giving it much thought.

“None of your f**king business!” he spat, causing more clots to land all over my face. He simply glanced aside without apologizing. I was curious as to who had reared him, as he lacked both manners and shame.

He was without a doubt the rudest person I’ve ever met. The spitting was followed by utter quiet as a group of birds soared on top of us. The sound of birds mingled with the sound of the water below us. It was lovely and refreshing. and it would have been ideal if the haughty jerk next to me hadn’t been there.

We were both cowards deep down. We both planned to commit suicide, but no one was willing to take the initial step.

I sighed as I knelt and took a seat; the sun was setting and it was joining to be nightfall. When I looked up at him, I noticed he was still staring down at the water.

“Perhaps we could wait until dusk so the height wouldn’t be so intimidating,” I proposed but received no reaction.

The cold wind began to breeze through as I ignored him and gripped my knees. What a stup*d coincidence, the sh*thead decided to end his life on the same day I did, and he couldn’t even use another bridge.

He knelt and sat next to me, much to my astonishment, but remained silent. We sat and watched the sunset, was strange because none of us dared to jump.


To my amazement, he responded. “It’s beautiful. Finally, rather than rudeness or mucus, he said something kind. I c**ked my head to look at him, but he swiftly shifted his gaze away. He did that a lot, avoiding eye contact. He was probably the shy rude type, I thought to myself.

“My name is Thalia,” I blunderingly introduced myself.

He said coldly, “Knowing your name is not necessary.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, and he cringed with contempt. We were back to square one, or perhaps he had a personality condition.

There was silence once more, followed by a loud rumble from my idiot stomach. He returned my stare, and despite the fact that his face was completely hidden, I could tell he was mocking me. I hadn’t eaten in two days and had to cover my face since the noise was so loud and embarrassing.

He stated. “Here.”

When I looked up I noticed he was clutching a chocolate bar.

“Were you planning to kill yourself with a chocolate bar in your pocket?” I inquired, chuckling-

He responded, “I assumed you’d be concerned about the hygiene in my hand?”

I winced and grabbed it; at the very least, it was wrapped.

He questioned, “Why didn’t you use poison?”

“Excuse me?” I responded.

“When women decide to commit suicide, they frequently employ poison. “97% of women would use poison or pesticide,” he said.

I was silent for a moment as I chewed on the chocolate bar. To be honest, I didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know, I was walking by and heard the sound of water, so I came up here,” I said as I ate the chocolate. I couldn’t remember when I had chocolate last

He chuckled and was on the verge of laughing, laut he held himself back His face evident with shock, he asked. “You walked all the way here


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