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The Art Of Revenge (Thalia Nash and Brandon) novel Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Brandon’s Pov

I stared at her as she covered her chest in irritation. I found it adorable and burst out laughing. I moved away, my chest felt heavy, and I coughed loudly, larger clots pouring out, but I simply wiped my mouth.

The brainless girl was going to kill me with laughter. She managed to make me laugh more than anyone has in years. in less than an hour. I was always a serious person, even before I got sick, never had light moments or entertained jokes

As tears streamed down my face. I took a deep breath and calmed down. “Thalia. let me make it clear to you, you are too foolish to be my type. I stated straight faced as I stepped closer to her and grabbed her shoulder With a roll of her eyes, she shoved my hand away

“Then what were you proposing?” she inquired quietly, a hint of disappointment in her voice if I was correct or was I overthinking it But her notion of one last sex party as a sort of farewell wasn’t half awful.

But then I’d have to confront all those traitors I used to consider friends. Just thinking about it made me grind my


“Brandon’ Brandon'” She jolted me out of my trance

“Oooh, unlike you, who’s considering having sex. I. on the other hand, I’d like to make a suggestion. With a clear throat. I responded. “I want to have fun, one last time.”

“How she asked.

“You said you wouldn’t take my money, but what if I gave you your own?” I inquired, my eyes wide with anticipation.

She looked at me, puzzled, and attempted to speak, but I covered her lips with my hand. I always got irritated when someone cut me off while I was speaking. “An Idea came to me when you were ordering me to donate my money.” I


“Let’s be honest, you’re up here because you have nothing. What if I assisted you in reclaiming everything?” I inquired as she remained motionless.

That was something I knew she wasn’t expecting me to say. “I’m ten times wealthier and more powerful than your jerk of a husband, and I can easily take him down in less than a month,” I continued.

Because my arm was around her. I could feel her trembling as she turned to face me, so I helped her take a seat cautiously before she toppled over the bridge. The last thing we wanted was her tumbling over.

“Why would you do such a thing? You’re joking, right? She stumbled over her words.

“Because you made me laugh,” I said, smiling.

Her eyes welled up as she gazed at me. “But why would you waste your last days on a brainless girl?”

“Stop asking silly questions, remember, you’re the reason I’m not jumping. You disturbed my suicide. I’m looking for a

new activity.

“No, no, no, no, and no, no, no, no, no,” she cried out.


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