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The Bad Boy's Sweetheart novel Chapter 4


The memories blended in with the melodies of the piano earlier. When I took a seat lazily at the end of each class, I stared out of the window.


"Mommy, dad ripped my books and the teacher got angry at me." My lip trembled.


"All will be well, honey.” She sighed as she talked to the teacher over the phone.


My eyes sensed the arrival of the girl from earlier entered the room, I could tell she was trying to imagine that I wasn't there with her in the room and I got the message loud and clear. She was a show off when she played the piano and it was like the sounds danced around her. There was something unknown about her that aggravated me, ! could tell by her constant head shaking and the way her eyes looked to the side in anxiety.


My eyes assessed the normal students around me as I observed serenely and guessed what their lives were like. In front of me, to the right side, was a girl who had big round eyeglasses and oily black hair, I could tell that she wanted to get that boy's attention, my eyes drifted to the Asian boy that was sitting with his back in front of her. I also peacefully gazed at the blonde haired girl beside the nerdy one as she chewed gum and texted her one temporary boyfriend as she smiled glumly. These people didn't know the worst, they were busy worrying about normal problems.


"Attention here, Mister Adams." The history teacher, Mr. Vann, strictly said to me.


"Isn't it enough that I am in your class? You have no reason to order me." It was hilarious how all the heads turned around to gape at my offensive talk.


The teacher was weak anyway, he just taught more and ignored me because he didn't have evidence of my recklessness. I was searching for my cigarettes in my bag that was under my desk but internally groaned because I misplaced them in my other bag. My patience was running thin with this school and I wanted a reliever.


My eyes met the emerald ones when I wandered up, all students filed out since it was the second to last class and the teacher went out but not before he glared at me. We were alone. Although the room was empty and she was in the front row like the goody two shoes she was, her stare analyzed me like she did with her piano.


"What?" I shook off the weird feeling and snapped.


She opened her mouth to say something but shook her head with a disappointed expression, standing up as her long blonde locks cascaded behind her like a river.


I quickly stood up when the girl walked out and ditched the last class. I was agitated and in need of a cigarette.


"Here you go." Neon purple hair appeared in my vision, momentarily blinding me when the girl walked up to my locker. She had a light Marlboro packet, nobody was in the hallway due to the last class that I wasn't going to attend to. Her hand had black tattoos littering around to her elbow.

"This shit is weak,” I grunted but took one out of the packet, returning it back to her as she rolled her bright blue eyes. At least, it was better than nothing.


Chapter 4 HIM 1


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