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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 104

One Hundred Four: Natalie

Natalie's P.O.V.

My mother nodded subtly as I turned to look at her, answering my unspoken question of whether he knew who I was to him. She managed to look more terrified than I felt, which only made me even more anxious.

"Henry,* I tested the name, unsure how to address him. I still avoided calling Aurora by her name when I spoke to her. I didn't want to offend her by calling her Aurora instead of mom or mom instead of her name since she hadn't been in my life for more than a few months. "It is nice to meet you. Please, have a seat.’

I gestured with my hand toward the couch and armchairs by the fireplace, and he nodded before taking a seat in one of the individual chairs.

Joselin was openly examining him with her head tilted to the side. Her back was straight, and her legs were crossed, looking every bit as beautiful and poised as she was terrifying.

"I'm under the impression that you know why you're here, so I'm just going to come out and say it to clear the air.’ I swallowed hard, stalling as I moved to take my own seat. Killian stood at my side as I sat back on the couch, his arms crossed. I was speaking to Henry, but my eyes traveled to Aurora as my statement came out sounding more like a question. "You're my birth father."

It had been up to me to decide if I wanted to meet him. But then he recognized me as Aurora's daughter. If that wasn't the giveaway based on my age tang their history together, our matching features could have done it. Once he knew, it was no longer my choice. It was his. He chose to come back when he could have just returned home. He could have pretended that I never existed, and it would have been the end of it.

He made a choked noise before clearing his throat at my words, and I bit my lip. "You're an Alpha?"

The bitter irony that I had been treated like an omega in my last pack made me want to laugh, but there was no point. I had already won when they discovered that I was the daughter of the Descendant and was crowned their queen. I was no longer the runt of the pack.

"Yes, and you are a queen. Your brothers will be so jealous when they find out." He said offhandedly, and I felt my breathing stop. He hadn't said his other children or his sons ... he said my "brothers.’ "I have brothers?"

Joselin shifted in her seat, and I glanced over to see a stunned look on her face, realizing this was the first time she was learning about my father as well.

"Yes," He laughed, his voice thick with emotion. "Two."

"And you are planning on telling them about me?" It almost hurt to ask for confirmation. But I feared that I was going to be cast aside again. Everything seemed too good to be true, and I was waiting for the color to fade and the shadow men to drag me away, waking me from my dream life.

"Of course! I have no doubt that they will want to know you too.’ He nodded.

"What about your mate? I don't think she will be happy with me." I shifted, my pinky touching the side of Killian's thigh for comfort where he was leaning against the arm of the couch. ’I wont take it personally if you want to keep this a secret... me a secret. I have to imagine she won't like knowing about me.”


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