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The beast and the blessed novel by Ashley Breanne novel Chapter 143

Thirty-Six: Joselin

Joselin's P.O.V.

My eyes were glued to Cora all day. She was happier than I had ever seen her, making me anxious not to know what was happening inside her head. The curvy woman walked quickly, with only a small limp, as she practically danced around the castle.

If it weren't for her long skirt that cut off mid-shin, no one would know about her prosthetic leg.

Having Rona gone made everyone happy.

I wasn't aware of another explanation for Cora's behavior. The only thing that changed was Rona leaving. It made me think that I had been right.

Even I knew walking up to her and asking Cora about Rona's trophy wouldn't be appropriate. How would I word that? Hey Cora, have you seen your leg lately?

The middle-aged woman would probably try to skin me alive. Her leg was a sensitive topic. Granted, it had not only been cut off years ago in a battle, but the person responsible for her losing it had it as a keepsake and was probably using it against her. I would have slaughtered Rona long ago if I were missing the limb.

Her dishwater blonde hair shined in the sunlight, visible to me even with a window and a lot of space between us. The stripes of silver that gave away the plump woman's age seemed to be thickening by the day. I had to wonder, if I told her about her leg being on display in Rona's bedroom, would she do my job for me? Would knowing about it be enough to have her go mad and kill Rona, so I wouldn't have to deal with her anymore?

It almost seemed too easy. I could bait Cora and sit back to enjoy the show. But then, it would make finding out if anyone else was involved more difficult. There was no point in killing Rona if she had others working with her. Cutting off the head of the snake only worked when it was a one­headed serpent.

"You've been very nosey today." Cyrus teased from my right. I turned with an unamused stare, forcing my eyes away from the courtyard through the window of the great room in the front of the castle.

She was going into town. It wasn't unusual for her, but it meant I couldn't follow. I had been watching her all day, and following her into town would only make her suspicious of me.

I disliked her, as did Aisha and Margot... so I disliked the entire council. But the last thing I needed was her turning hostile on me when I already had Rona to deal with.

It would be suspicious for the council to turn down a descendant of the moon goddess from joining us if she pledged. She was all but guaranteed a spot. With Aurora on my side, I hoped that the last council seat would be someone worthy of trust and respect.

I ignored Cyrus's comment and narrowed my eyes at him. We needed to get him alone to discuss the issue of Rona and the part he was to play in it.

"You'll be joining us for dinner tonight, cousin." The emphasis on his cover made him roll his eyes.

"As I have since I got here/ His snarky retort reminded me of the conversations I would hold with Killian. It was how friends bantered, but I didn't know how to make friends, and there were only three people that I trusted fully.

"No, not at the dining hall. It will be at my mate's home." I wrinkled my nose, wishing I could say it was my home too. But I hadn't moved in yet. It was still his even though I had stayed there every night since returning.

"Ah, who's going to cook? I haven't seen either of you eat anything that wasn't served to you." He laughed but fell silent when another presence joined us in the room. My heartbeat sped up, and the hairs on my neck prickled from Tobias's gaze.

I had worn my hair up because he liked it when I did that. Even before we mated, his focus on me was always more intent when I pulled my hair up. Now whenever I did it, his eyes always seemed to stay on my mark, and he would lift his head with pride.

His woodsy scent filled my senses, and my eyes closed as I took a deep breath, feeling him stop behind me. When he didn't move or speak, even in the mate bond, I opened my eyes to see him holding a single red rose before me.

His large, calloused hand looked so threatening compared to the flower. While he had taken the time and care to remove the thorns, it also felt like he could snap it at any moment.

My hands moved up to take the stem from him, smiling as I spun and met his beautiful brown eyes.

"How cute! Look at you, all domesticated. Like a big teddy bear." Cyrus teased Tobias, but his smile fell when Tobias's hand shot forward and grabbed the front of his shirt, lifting him from the ground. "Not like a teddy bear! I meant a rabid wolf! A strong, very deadly rabid wolf!’

I hoped Cyrus was aware of how unimpressed I was. The weak, nerdy persona he put off contradicted the power radiating from him. No wonder Cyrus needed shelter in the castle with the council and the guards. He had no idea what he was capable of.

I had already known when I realized he was using human landmines to defend himself against hunters, but it was almost sad how little he lived up to his potential. Being in hiding for so long has not done him any favors.

Maybe when he was no longer hiding, he could embrace his magic. But for now, he was like the runt of the litter.

Tobias dropped Cyrus, letting the man stumble back a step before Tobias placed his hand possessively on my hip. His jaw ticked as he clenched his teeth, but I was still focused on the rose he brought me.

It was one of the sweetest things he had done for me. The small gesture let me know that he had been thinking about me, even though we had been apart for most of the day. He was so strong, quiet, and, as Cyrus said, deadly.

For some reason, it meant more to me than all the big things that happened in our relationship because this had no motive and no intentions. There was no game. Tobias just wanted to give me something beautiful.

Tobias raised one eyebrow at me, and I knew without words that he was asking why I was alone with Cyrus. He hated the man, but Cyrus was growing on me.

"Cyrus will be coming to dinner to catch up."


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