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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198 

Olivia’s heart raced. Since Claude knew about her and Tyler, Sophie must’ve found out too

She wondered how she would be receivedwith disdain, disgust, or worse

Lost in her thoughts, she hesitated. However, as Sophie was about to hang up, she made the decision to answer. She knew all too well that confronting this situation was inevitable sooner or later. There was no way that she could escape

Olivia braced herself and answered, her voice hoarse, Hello, Soof.” 

To her surprise, Sophie’s tone was not what she had expected. Olivia! Why did you quit school? I’ve been trying to reach you for days! Is everything alright?” 

Surprised yet relieved that Sophie wasn’t asking about her marriage to Tyler, Olivia felt a weight lift from her shoulders. Ihaven’t been feeling well. I need some time to rest.” 

Could it be that Sophie didn’t know? Did Claude not tell her

Concerned, Sophie persisted, What’s wrong? Is it serious? I’ll come over right away.” 

Olivia quickly reassured her, No, I’m fine. I just need to rest at home for a while.” 

Okay. Let me know when you’re feeling better,Sophie said, sensing that Olivia didn’t want her to probe further

Mmhmm. And please inform our classmates for me,Olivia added

Sure, I will,Sophie replied

With thoughts still weighing on her mind, Olivia kept her conversation with Sophie brief and ended the call. After a moment of hesitation, she resolved to call Claude

After a few rings, Claude finally answered, his tone distant. Who is this?” 

Olivia tightened her grip on her phone, feeling the aloofness in his voice. She wanted to hang up, but she managed to say, It’s me, Claude.” 


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