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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 225

Chapter 225 

She replied, Since I don’t have anything to do, I can go with Mom.” 

She was totally obedient to Ana now

Sure, have fun.Tyler was okay with Olivia leaving the house for a bit

So, Olivia went to the musical with Ana. They were going to see a famous musician’s last performance

Ana was quite important, and even at the theater, she had people helping her. Olivia just followed along because she didn’t know much about these things. They sat in a fancy area with welldressed people all around

Olivia almost fell asleep when the show began. This was all new to her, but she tried her best to stay awake and watch

After two hours, the musical was over, and they went to a party. As they walked in, someone called out, Aunt Ana.” 

Olivia turned her head and was surprised to see Claude in a white suit

Ana looked at him too. Claude came over and said hello. He seemed surprised to see them there, just like they were to see him

I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought I made a mistake.” 

I didn’t expect to run into you here as well, Claude,Ana responded, staring at him

Although he was facing Ana, his eyes were actually fixed on Olivia. Quickly averting his smiling, he said, Congratulations on your new daughterinlaw and grandchild.” 

Thanks.Ana smiled back, but it didn’t seem real. She was polite to him, though

eyes and 

Olivia, this is Claude. You guys have met before,Ana introduced them, unaware of their 


Claude smiled at Olivia. Hello, Mrs. Harris.” 

Olivia had to run to the bathroom as she had drunk too much water. She left Ana for a bit

On her way back, Claude caught up with her. Olivia.” 

She stopped and turned around when she heard the voice

Claude looked at her seriously and asked, How’s being Mrs. Harris like?” 

At first, Olivia thought he was teasing, but then she saw he was serious and actually cared. She felt thankful for his concern

I’m just here to watch the musical, Claude.” 

Chapter 225 

And how was it?he asked

I know nothing about it,she admitted

The Harrises are just like the musical. Don’t push yourself into roles that aren’t a fit for you.” 


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