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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 317


Olivia was curled up in bed, holding her tummy and feeling very upset

Tyler had rushed Naomi to the emergency room, where all the medical staff focused on her

About ten minutes later, Ana and Maisy walked in. Ana was shocked to see Olivia in bed, all alone

Why aren’t there any doctors here? There’s a pregnant woman in need!Ana yelled, clearly upset

Since all the medical staff was busy with Naomi, it took some nurses and doctors a while for them to help Olivia. However, when they saw the situation, they quickly came over

We were shortstaffed because of another emergency,they explained

Still nervous and upset, Ana demanded, Check on her now! What are you waiting for? Would you want to be responsible if something happened to her or her baby?” 

Her tone made the medical team hesitant to reply. Just then, another doctor entered and said, She’s not in immediate danger. I’ve checked her before. Let’s move her to the examination room now.He was the doctor who had initially checked Olivia

Ana learned about the chaos as soon as she arrived. She was furious to hear that Tyler had left Olivia alone while he took care of Naomi

Ana was livid and pale with anger as she questioned the doctor, How serious is the other patient’s condition? She’s dying anyway! We need to focus on the pregnant woman. What if something happens to her or her baby?” 

Maisy was only worried about Olivia and the baby. She went to Olivia, who was still curled up in pain, and comforted her. I love you, Olivia. Don’t worry, the doctor is here now. Tell me where it hurts.She gently held Olivia’s face as she winced in pain

Olivia felt overwhelmed with pain, unsure if her ankle or her tummy hurt more. Her expression was blank

Ana continued to scold the doctor, Listen, I don’t care about the other patient, but if anything happens to the baby, it’s on you.” 

The medical team didn’t respond

Maisy sensed something was very wrong with Olivia, so she urged Ana, Ana, get the doctor here, quick!” 

Chapter 117 

Ana looked at Olivia, concerned, and called for the doctors, who hurried in


Naomi was still being treated, and Tyler stood outside the emergency room, exhausted and closing his eyes in stress

Linda came out and approached him. Mr. Tyler, the doctor said Ms. Naomi might not be able to wait until the baby is born.” 

He frowned

We’re out of blood in the blood bank,Linda added


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