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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 330

Chapter 330 

Olivia sensed Tyler’s attitude toward her had changed. She sat in silence for a while before lowering her head and quietly saying, Okay, Tyler.” 

Tyler just nodded in response, then turned to Allsa. Pack up everything and take good care of her,he 


Yes, sir,Allsa replied obediently

After Tyler left the room without another word, Olivia remained on her bed, listening to his retreating footsteps. She didn’t look up as he walked awayhis expression was distant and unreadable, and he didn’t glance back

The maid approached Olivia cautiously and whispered, Ma’am.” 

Olivia looked up but remained silent, her arms at her sides, lost in her thoughts

Once all was settled, the driver took Olivia home. At the gates, the maid assisted her out of the car. Ana and Maisy were waiting at the doorstep

Maisy gently took Olivia’s hand. I’m glad you’re okay. I’ve had the bathroom tiles changed so they won’t be slippery. Rest well at home, and let me know if you need anything.” 

Thank you, Grandma,Olivia murmured

Don’t thank me. You’re too polite,Maisy responded warmly

Ana then turned to Olivia, a hint of concern in her voice. Did Tyler come to see you?” 

The maid beside Olivia shifted uncomfortably as Ana asked her question. However, Olivia managed a calm response, He did.” 

Ana studied Olivia closely, her gaze intense and searching. Then she turned to Alisa, who hesitated before answering, Mr. Tyler did visit her, but he only stayed for about seven to eight minutes before leaving.” 

Ana’s expression turned cold upon hearing this. Alisa looked nervous, aware of the tension in the air. As for Olivia, she kept her head bowed

Maisy intervened, sensing the growing unease, Okay, Ana. Let’s not dwell on this. Olivia has sprained her 

leg, and she needs to rest.” 

They decided not to press further 


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