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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 96

Chapter 96 

Claude was accustomed to such attention from women, so he maintained his distance and answered their questions politely. He behaved like a gentleman, being warm and friendly, but he was careful not to encourage their advances

As Olivia watched him interact with the girls, she recalled Sophie describing her brother as a savior who brought light to the world. She couldn’t help but think that this description suited him perfectly. Claude appeared to be a great man and a true savior

Olivia was in the mood to drink that night, so she indulged herself. She had a lot to drink, which was unusual for her. She had always been careful and reserved, adhering to the rules and avoiding 


She downed several cocktails from the table. Sitting in a corner, she went unnoticed by others. However, the alcohol soon took its toll, and she began to feel sick. After a few glasses of cocktails, her stomach began to ache, and she felt nauseated. She decided to head to the bathroom

Meanwhile, as more girls surrounded Claude, he felt the room becoming increasingly stifling. He decided to go to the bathroom as well to wash his face. While he was bending down to wash his hands, he noticed a clumsy person in the mirror

Suddenly, that person collided with him with surprising force, nearly causing him to lose his balance. He caught a whiff of a sweet scent as they collided

He was taken aback by the unexpected encounter and tried to steady himself

Olivia, still feeling queasy after leaving the stall, was unaware of who she had bumped into. She was preoccupied with her discomfort and pushed the person away before rushing to the sink to vomit

Claude, having been pushed away, finally had a clear view of her face. He realized that she was Sophie’s friend. As she continued to vomit, he watched her helplessly

Olivia’s head was spinning from vomiting. As if her life was sucked out of her body he fell from the sink and sat on the floor. She looked lost, like a helpless orphan who had nowhere to

After watching her for a while, Claude knelt down in front of her and asked, Are you alright?” 

Olivia, feeling overwhelmed and numb, blinked at him. Her beautiful brown eyes resembled glass beads, resembling the eyes of a gentle doe. A crystalclear tear trickled down her cheek as she blinked, her gaze unfocused

Claude asked again, concerned, Are you really alright?” 

She seemed to have found a lifeline in his voice. She looked at him with a distant expression and said softly, I’m okay” 

It was almost ten at night when Tyler arrived home from the hospital. It was quiet when he arrived at 

Chapter 96 


the living room

The maid came out as soon as she heard his car. Mr. Tyler, Ms. Olivia still isn’t home. We can’t find 



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