Wild Child POV.
I can’t help it, but I have to touch Soph. So I so very gently, I run my knuckles down her cheek and smile softly as she moans, before he moves to my pillow and hugs it to her chest. I kiss her head.
“I’ll be back soon, Slugger. Sleep, baby girl, you are safe here. I love you.” I whisper before I leave the room and head back into the main room.
“CHURCH!” I shout as I stride with purpose to the conference room. I know I am more than ready to take the president seat. So I do.
I walk to the head of the long mahogany table and take my seat. I watch as each member walks in and then my parents. My momma has tears shining in her eyes. I wink at her and she beams proudly at me. Same as my dads do.
“Well, son, you called church. What do you need of us?” My dad Scythe asks and I smirk at him as Tank walks closer with the laptop as he types away on it and the screen on the TV lights up.
“Ok, so many of you by now know that Sophie is my woman. I have claimed her as mine.” The room erupts in cheers and congratulations. I hold my hand up and they all settle down.
“Thanks, but that is not why I have called you all in here. It is to do with Soph. Some of you saw her when I bought her in. She is healing. She was a lot worse the day of Harmony’s wedding. She was beaten and left for dead in her apartment.” I say, letting that sink in as I look at each of my men. God, that feels so fucking good to say.
“Who did it to her? Sophie wouldn’t hurt a fly. We all know this from what we have seen of her over the past month. So, who are we hunting?” Lucky asks and I smirk at him and nod at Tank and I see the pictures of the two men that beat my girl. Her father and brother. Benjamin and Jared Johnson. Both standing holding number plates. Police mug shots.
“These two fuckers. Are the ones responsible. This piece of shit is her father, Benjamin Johnson, and that is his son, Jared Johnson. They have been doing this to her for a long time. Soph told me and momma everything while she was in hospital. These sick fucks have sold her to someone. So the objective is simple. Find them, bring them in and find out who she was sold to. She has been running since she was sixteen when one of her father’s friends tried to touch her. She killed him.” I tell the room and every man in here is fucking pissed no they are raging.
“Sixteen, she was still a fucking kid. Who in their right mind would do this to their child? Why all the animosity towards Sophie? What happened for them to do this to her?” Hound asks but then he stiffens as he looks at my momma.
We all know what my momma went through, but she isn’t fazed. She said it made her who she is now. A lesson on how to not treat your kids. She is the best mom anyone could ask for. Even if she is the most feared woman in the world. She is a fantastic mom and wife.
“They blame her for what happened to her mom. Sophie was five when her mom died in a car crash. Sophie was also in that car. She blames herself. Her father and brother blame her as well. These men think they are big and tough for beating a little girl, broken bones, bruises, you name it. Now they sold her to someone. Momma is using her contacts with the Mothers Revenge to find out where they are and who they sold Sophie to. So when you are out in town, keep your eyes open. They are unhinged, so be careful. Take a good look at these mugs gentlemen I want them, I want to play with them.” I say, and the men chuckle. They know how I get when we are hunting.
“What makes you think they are still in town?” Stone asks and I smirk.
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