Sophie POV.
It has been a few weeks since I was brought to the clubhouse. I have been helping where I can. But every time, I’m told to rest, and it is driving me bonkers. I know Harry hates it when I tell him this is not the first time. But it’s true. I’m usually up and doing things for myself a few days after the beating.
So this is going to take some getting used to. But still, I can move now without much pain, just a dull ache. I’m healing, but I know my own body and I know when to stop. I know when to rest. I haven’t taken my pain meds in a couple of days because I don’t want to be dependent on them.
So here I am, helping in the clubhouse. Harry is not here, he is hunting as he calls it. He seriously can’t expect me to be in bed being waited on hand and foot. It is not in my nature, so I am pottering around helping with the bar or doing dishes in the kitchen. Either way, the quicker I get back to being myself, the better.
What I really want to do is get back in the ring again. But I know I’m nowhere near ready for that just yet. Maybe in the next week I will be.
“What are you doing?” Rebel asks as I look over my shoulder at her as she leans against the door frame with her arms folded over her chest and I stiffen at being caught by the matriarch of the family.
“Oh, just doing what I can. I don’t want to be seen a freeloader. I need to pull my weight.” I say to her as I turn back to the bubbly water as I wash the plates and set them in the dishwasher. She chuckles and I can hear her moving closer to me. She begins to help me.
“You know, I have to say this Sophie, one you are not a freeloader, two you can do what you feel you need to without causing yourself any pain. I know Harry is treating you like you will break, but you and I know differently. We both have scars from our parents.” She tells me and I stop mid scrub and look at her and she smiles softly at me.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know the extent of what you went through.” I tell her, and she chuckles.
“Everyone has trauma. It is how we deal with it that matters. Take me, for instance. Neglected by my parents when my sister was born. I got in with the wrong crowd, turned to drugs and alcohol at an early age. I was a lost cause. My parents put me into rehab. When I was released, I was an empty shell. Then one night after I was walking home from work. I killed someone I wasn’t supposed to.” She says and I just stand and watch her as she washes the plate in the sink.
“I was then taken by my mom’s friend Alessa Valentino. She was known as Ghost. She ran the assassin group I now am in charge of. The Mother’s Revenge. She taught me everything I know. I travelled the world, killing thousands of targets. Then I met Dante. He was a target. Well, he needed protection. I grew up with Scythe. So you see, you, like me, are a fighter.” She turns her head to look at me and I see the certainty in her honey coloured eyes.
“I know you are strong, and like me, you hated people doing everything for you. So I’m going to ask you. Sophie, what is it you really want to do?” She asks me and I look at her and think, what is it I want to do?
“I would love to get back into the ring. I want to live my life not running, but I don’t know what that life would look like. I have lived in fear for so very long. To me it is …”
“Normal.” She finishes for me and I nod my head.
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