Sophie POV.
I walk away from the scene that anybody else would be like aww, that’s so cute. But not me. That used to be me and my father before mom died. I know not everyone had the upbringing I did, but it is still raw, and I can’t blame anyone for acting as they would. I don’t expect people to stop doing what they usually do.
If I didn’t end up in the hospital after an epic beating, that scene wouldn’t have bothered me. I think it has affected me so much because it is still fresh and I hate to admit it, but I am overly sensitive at the moment.
I sigh as I keep walking deep into the forest that surrounds the compound. I hear a yowl and stop as I look around slowly and see the Patger as she watches me from beside a tree trunk on my right.
Ok, Rebel said she is a big softy. No sudden movements. I just watch her as she steps closer to me. My hands are shaking and I think I’m going to wet myself. When she does something, I never thought she would. She chuffs.
She walks closer to me and yowls before chuffing again. Ok what do I do? I lift my hand slowly and try to chuff back. I’ve seen that on TV. Well, that was fucking TV. Those big cats would have been trained. This is a wild hybrid. There is no denying it though she is beautiful.
I look into her brilliant bright green eyes and I see pain in them. I chuff louder as she saunters closer and places her head under my hand and I chuckle nervously as she circles me, rubbing her sleek body against my legs.
“You are beautiful. I see your pain, too.” I say to her and she licks my hand, and it is rough, but it tickles. I don’t know why I do what I do next, but it feels right to do. I move to my knees and she lays down facing me. Her tail flicks as she watches me.
Would it sound crazy to talk to her? I know animals show more empathy than humans. They are more in tune with nature than humans are. That is a given fact. If they don’t like someone, they eat them. Quite simple, really.
“So, your Mystique then? The Patger. Well, I’m Sophie. It is nice to meet you, Mystique.” This is awkward. She belly crawls closer and rests her head on my lap and I chuckle as I lift and sit on my bottom. I stroke her head gently and she chuffs again.
“You see, I can sense your pain. You too have been hurt, am I right?” I ask when she lifts her head and looks into my soul with those beautiful green eyes. I smile sadly at her. No person or animal should be hurt like we have been.
“My father and brother did this to me. They have been doing this to me since I was a little girl. They blamed me for my mom dying. I blamed myself too.” I keep stroking her and I feel calm being with her.
“You see, she died in a car crash. We had been out of state at one of my dance competitions and it had been raining. Mom lost control of the car and we crashed. She didn’t make it, but I did. Well, not completely. I think part of me died that day, too.” I say, fighting the tears that threaten to spill.
“I know at one point my father and brother loved me, but when my mom died, that turned quickly to hate. I know they were venting their anger and frustration. But I just took the beatings, hoping that they would stop. But it only made it worse.” I say to her as I look away and wipe my face.
“They wanted to allow bad men to hurt me. So I did what I could do to survive. I hurt one of those bad men and ran away. But my father and brother kept finding me. The most recent is why I am here. They have sold me to someone like I am a piece of furniture. I know Harry and his family, well your family, will do everything they can to help me. It is going to take time for me to get used to others helping me.” I say when she yowls again and bumps me gently with her head and I chuckle as I kiss her black and orange glossy head.
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