Sophie POV.
God, what was I thinking, agreeing to do this? I’m still sore, but it feels good. I like the pain. It lets me know I’m alive.
I have been in the gym since dawn. Harry and Rebel have both been helping me with my warm-ups, and making me stronger. We all agreed that we should wait a little longer before I start sparring again. Which, if I’m being totally honest, I agreed with.
Even though I feel fine, I know inside I’m not. So, as much as I want to push myself to my limit and beyond, I can’t. I don’t want to undo all the progress I have made so far.
So gentle strength training is what I have been doing. Walking on the treadmill, cycling, working my lower body. No real weight training until my ribs are completely healed, but I can do the lighter weighted dumb-bells without overly straining myself.
God, I do feel like a weakling, but I know I will get there. I lay panting on the mat, sweat trickling down my chest. My legs are aching and my heart is pounding. A good workout, even if I have only being doing it for a couple of hours. But still Rome was not built in a day and I am a work in progress. I will be punching, kicking and rolling around in no time.
“You did good Soph, better than I thought you would.” I should be offended, but I don’t care. I’m exhausted and I know my legs are like limp noodles right now.
“Thanks. When can I go back to work?” I ask because I need to be active. I am not used to not doing shit for myself.
“You can look at going back in a few days. I need you to meet with my great uncle Nico. He is here, and he wants to speak to you. Apparently, he knows of your father and brother. He also knows the asshole you were sold you to and is here specifically for him.” Harry tells me and I look at him and sigh, nodding my head.
Rebel and Harry both told me yesterday that they found the man who wanted me and that he is in somewhere called the Void. Wherever the hell that is. I didn’t ask. All I needed to know was that this Nico person was coming to take care of him.
“Oh, ok. Well, let me just die for a second. Then think about moving.” I say and Harry chuckles as he lies beside me on the mat. Both of us sweaty messes looking up at the ceiling. The only sound is our breathing.
“No need. I will speak to you here.” We both turn our heads and look at the newcomer. God, he is handsome for being an older man. But those eyes, there is no mistaking them. He is Nico Moretti. The leader of the Cartel.
“No, stay there. I can see you had a good first session. Hi, my name is Nico. I am Rebel’s uncle and this bonehead’s great uncle. It’s nice to meet you Sophie. I only hoped it would have been under better circumstances.” He says as he moves and sits on the mat cross legged. This man must be in his late fifties, but you couldn’t tell. He is gorgeous. Now, if I had a daddy fetish, he certainly would tick all the boxes. But I am more than happy with Harry.
“Nice to meet you, Nico. I’m sorry you have been dragged into this mess because of my family.” I say, biting my bottom lip as I shift to sit up with a groan and cross my legs so I’m facing him.
“None of that now. You aren’t to blame for their choices. You know why I’m here?” He asks as Harry shifts to sit next to me and pulls me into his arms. I sigh in contentment and nod my head.
“Good, that bastard won’t hurt you. Neither will your father and brother. Because we will make sure of it. I don’t know how much Rebel has told you, so I will tell you, anyway. Your father and brother owed a lot of money to the man they sold you to. But that man owed me a lot more. He will die, but as for your father and brother. The debt they owed him. They now owe me directly. But unfortunately, they have disappeared.” I look at Harry and he is stunned too.
“What do you mean, disappeared? Like out of the state or just poof gone?” Harry asks Nico and I listen. Before I look down and try to think where they would have gone.
The readers' comments on the novel: The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage)