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The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage) novel Chapter 4

Wild Child POV.

I didn’t like this plan at all at first. But I understand. Sophie needs to do this. But for the first time in her life, she won’t be facing them alone. I know I have to stay hidden, but the question is for how long?

Either way, I don’t mind it. I can keep an eye on my girl and spend a lot of alone time with her. Sure, we haven’t done anything other than kiss and cuddle and you know what? I’m happy with it.

I never thought I would ever have this. A beautiful woman by my side. The excitement of seeing her every day, even crawling into bed beside her just to hold her. Sophie is my person, and I know I am hers.

This life with her is so simple, so easy, even though I know she thinks she is broken. She isn’t. She is strong and I know she will only get stronger.

We have been in her apartment for three days and the sheriff did call in to see her. He knows we will take care of this, but he and his department always have our backs. The same as we have theirs. We may be a one percent club, but the sheriff knows we try to keep our business away from the town.

We do own legitimate businesses, and what we do, we always put that into the community. But I have gone off topic.

I smile as I watch Sophie cooking. I chuckle as she dances around the kitchen and sings. I can honestly see her, her belly swollen with my child, a little girl on her hip as she bakes cookies. Laughing at something our daughter has done. When she turns and sees me watching her, she smiles before kissing our daughter.

This is what I want. Where I want my life to go. A bright and beautiful future with Sophie.

“Hey, you. You going to stand there and watch or you going to come and help?” She asks me and I walk closer to her and kiss her on the lips. I could really get used to this.

To coming home to her and making her happy. Lavishing her with all my love and attention, to show her that she is loved and no one will ever love her the way I do.

“Sure, baby. What do you want me to do?” I ask her as she turns back to what she was doing and I stand behind her and wrap my arms around her, before kissing her head before resting my chin on her shoulder. She giggles and dear god, that sound is awesome.

“Could you wash those veggies and chop them up, please? We are having steak, and sweet potato. Is that ok?” she asks, unsure. The thing is, she could serve me dog food and I would eat it happily with a smile.

“Sure baby, anything. You know I love your cooking, and I love you.” I say to her and she blushes. She is cute.

Sophie is an amazing cook, and she is a feeder. Thank god we have a gym in the clubhouse, otherwise I won’t be able to ride my motorbike. I smile to myself at the thought.

“Ok mister, get to it and chop chop.” She says and I laugh and so does she. I kiss her again and tell her she is cute, and she rolls her eyes.

I get to work, working side by side as I wash the lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber. Before I get to chopping them up. Just like she told me to.

Life is easy with her and I can’t wait to see where this goes, well I know where it will go. With her walking down the aisle to me and wearing her property cut.

I’m pulled from my thoughts when she hugs me from behind and kisses my back. I place the knife down and turn in her hold, and she looks up at me and smiles.


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