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The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage) novel Chapter 4

Wild Child POV.

After we ordered in and watched a horror, I took Sophie to bed. Today has taken it out of her. She is still healing and I know she is drained emotionally.

I know she thinks she will get some kind of closure from her brother, but I don’t think she will. I did say she could speak to him and I will not break my word. Even if it doesn’t give her the answers she desperately wants and needs. I only hope that whatever Jared says to her doesn’t break her further.

Sophie believes the boy she remembers is still deep inside of Jared. I’m not so sure. No matter if he was brainwashed by his father. I think he is a lost cause.

Jared is not the same kid she knew back then when things were good. He is not like that anymore. No matter if it was his father’s doing or not. He should know the difference between right and wrong.

Sophie and Jared are like chalk and cheese. She knows the difference, but Jared he doesn’t. He is unhinged. I mean god above. If the roles were reversed and I was in the same situation. I could never be like that with Harmony. I know our dads wouldn’t either. So why were Jared and Benjamin?

I won’t listen to the bullshit of they both lost their wife and mom. Nah, fuck that, Sophie lost more. She lost her mom, her dad, and her brother. But they still treated her like shit instead of being her comfort. They tried to destroy her. But all they did was make her stronger.

I watch as Sophie sleeps. I slip out of bed and sit in the living room and take out my phone. I have messages and missed calls. But I had silenced my phone. I needed to be there for Sophie when she needed me.

I open the message thread and see messages from my mom, my uncle, my dad’s and the sheriff.

I exit the app and call my mom first. She will always answer, no matter the time of day or night. No matter where she is in the world. She will always take our calls.

“Son, is everything ok?” she answers, her voice laced with sleep. I wince, knowing it’s past midnight.

“Yeah, sorry mom. I was calling to let you know that Sophie wants to speak to her brother and I want this dealt with as soon as possible.” I tell her and she sighs as she shifts and I hear a grunt, knowing she has probably either kicked or elbowed one of my dads.

“I understand that, son, but don’t you think she should wait a little bit? I mean, she has been through so much.” She says, and I lean my head back against the sofa and look up at the ceiling.

“I get that, mom, but she wants to do this. She wants answers before anything else happens to him.” I say and mom groans.

“The problem is, he is going through withdrawal. It could take some time. I don’t think it is wise for her to see him like that. Let him detox, purge his system, and then bring her. In the meantime, we need to find her father.” She says and I sigh as I sit forward and something feels off.

“Mom, I’ll call you back.” I say as I hang up and reach for my gun and realise I left it in the bedroom. I move silently in the shadows back to the bedroom and see Sophie sleeping peacefully. I smile as I move to my cut and grab my gun. I check it and walk back into the living room.

Something is definitely off here. I walk to the front door and check the peephole. Nobody is in the hallway.

I check the door was locked, but it wasn’t. Shit!


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