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The Biker’s Mafia Princess (Angel and Savage) novel Chapter 4

Wild Child POV.

I pull up to the clubhouse and climb off my bike and run up the steps and head inside.

“CHURCH, NOW!” I shout as I storm towards the conference room. Ripping the helmet off my head as I walk to the head of the table and pace as I wait for everyone to get their asses inside.

“MOVE IT!” I snap as they all move quickly.

“Baby, what is it? Where’s Sophie?” My mom asks as she runs to me and I look at her.

“She was taken last night. When I called you and told you that I would call you back. Something didn’t feel right. Benjamin took her after he had his goons knock me down. He said I would never find her.” I tell her as I fight the rage that is coursing through my veins.

“This is perfect.” I look at my mom, taken aback, like she has just slapped me.

“What do you mean? This is perfect?” I snap at her and step up to her. Totally forgetting this is the woman who gave birth to me.

“Oh fuck me, I never meant it like that.” She slaps my chest, but I’m breathing hard through my nose, making my nostrils flare. My hands balled tight into fists.

“I had her apartment rigged with cameras, inside and out. TANK. Pull up the feed from …” she checks her phone and looks at him. “From half past midnight.” She says before she hugs me.

“Don’t worry, my boy, we will get her back.” She whispers in my ear, and I nod my head.

“Got it. Pulling it up on screen now.” Tank says and we all watch and my mom moves closer to the screen.

“Pause it, ok zoom in and filter it.” She says and we all watch as the grainy image gets clearer.

“Well, fuck!” I step closer and look at the man. He is the one who stepped out of the shadows.

“Who is he?” I ask and mom sighs and pinches her nose.

“He is a Merc, contracted to do the jobs no one wants to. His name is Liam Whitlock. Leave it with me. I will have his latest employer in the next hour. Right now, sit tight and wait for me. Y’all be ready. DISMISSED!” Mom shouts, and I nod my head at her.

“I’m going to the prison. Jared will know where they are. I don’t give a fuck if he is going cold turkey. I will make the sorry piece of shit talk. Enough waiting. You have an hour mom, if I don’t have any useful news by then I will use Mystique and the commands and I will have her kill them all.” I say and mom gasps. She knows what will happen if Mystique is unleashed, but I need to find out where Benjamin would have taken Sophie.

I leave the clubhouse and walk around to the prison we keep at the back of the property. I enter the code and place my thumb on the pad as the door opens.

I walk inside and along the long corridor until I come to a door. I open it and walk inside. Glass cells line the walls and I see Jared laying on the floor of his cell clutching his stomach.

I walk right up to the glass and use my thumb print again to open the door. I walk inside and grab him up my the back of his shirt and drag him out and towards the interrogation room.

I kick the door open and fling him inside. Slamming the door shut behind me. I stalk him and he is sweating and rolling around.


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