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The Billionaire 3: Tyron Cruz novel Chapter 22

“How are you feeling old man?” Tyron asks as they entered the Don’s hospital room.

“Still strong as a log to protect my granddaughter.” The Don answers and smiles at Isabella approaching him.

“Say that when you’re out of the hospital, sly fox.” Tyron said making the Don laugh out loud. “I guess you really are getting better now that you’re laughing that loud.” Tyron smiles. “Isabella coming here everyday is a good choice.”

“I know, and I am grateful for that but…” he looks at his granddaughter. “Don’t you have work?”

“I took another indefinite leave so that I can take care of you, grandpa.” Isabella answers. “Besides, Hal also need to take a time off.” She added and glance at Hal who is sitting on the couch.

“You don’t have to do that, sweetheart, Ricardo is here.” The Don said.

“I can’t do that, grandpa, Uncle Ricardo also needs to take care of his health. He can’t possibly stay here day and night. Besides, I really need to take a break. I don’t think that I can focus on my work after all of these.” Isabella said and took a seat on the chair beside the Don’s bed. “And Tyron here…” She grabs her husband’s hand and pulls him closer to them. “doesn’t want me to go back to work, he insisted that I should watch over you until you get better.”

“Oh, it seems that I really did choose a good husband for my sweet granddaughter.” The Don smirks and glance at Tyron.

“Grandpa! We both know who really choose him!” Isabella said making the Don laugh.

“Okay, okay. You are right.” The Don answers.

“What are you talking about?” Tyron asks.

“I’ll tell you later.” Isabella winks.

He is about to say something when his phone rings; he checks who the caller is and it was his friend, Gabriel.

“I’ll excuse myself for the meantime, I need to take this call.” He said.

“Sure, it may be important.” Isabella said.

“I’ll be back after this call.” Tyron said and placed a kiss on Isabella’s forehead. “Have a good time with your grandfather.” He added before walking out of the room.

“It seems that things are going well between the two of you.” Don Samuel said.

“I’m actually quite thankful for this marriage, grandpa even though I’m really against this in the first place.” Isabella smiles. “Tyron is wonderful even though he accepted the marriage proposal so that he can get your company and to avenge his father. Grandpa, do you know that he wanted to make me suffer?” Isabella asks the old Don.

“That jerk! Did he do something bad to you?” The Don asks in fury.

“No, grandpa, actually, instead of making me suffer he made me the happy and experience the warmth of the family I’ve long for after mom died. He actually pampers me a lot, grandpa.” Isabella smiles making the Don sigh in relief.

“I see, I thought he…”

“Well, he actually made me furious on our first month of marriage. He didn’t even come home once after the wedding. There are even articles linking him to that model Reina.” Isabella said. “But everything is clear now, grandpa, those articles are trash and the reason why he didn’t come home is because he lives in his office to finish his job in order to spend some time alone with me.” She added.

“I’m aware of that.” The Don said making her frown. “Having two companies to manage is difficult but that child, he managed it so well. And when he tries to manage over the Morgan Enterprises, I pulled some strings so that it would be more difficult for him.”


“It was a test, sweetheart and he managed to pass it. And now, I’ve heard that he is making his older brother, Miguel to take over the Cruz Industries.” The Don said.

“Oh my gosh, Bella!” Hal suddenly screamed making them surprise.

“What’s wrong?” Isabella asks her manager.

“Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I don’t know if I should be grateful that they dropped you from the projects a few months ago.” Hal said making her curious. She approached her manager and took a seat beside him. “The producer is now in a pinch because he is caught molesting a struggling model and female artists who works with him testified against him.” Hal explained.

“What?” Isabella can’t believe her ears.

“Yes, although those female artists were not made public but the case against him is strong.” Hal said. “Oh my gosh! I am so glad that they dropped you from that projects or else…” He sighs in relief. “I don’t know if it is coincidence that it happened after you meet with your grandfather.” He added making her realize something.

She glances at her grandfather who is smiling while looking at them.

“Is it your work?” She asks.

“Who knows.” The old Don shrugs.

“Oh, grandpa!” Isabella rushes to hug her grandfather. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Didn’t I told you that I will protect you as long as I live?” The Don said and hugs her back.


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