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The Billionaire 3: Tyron Cruz novel Chapter 29

A week had passed and yet there is still no update from Gabriel if they apprehended Frederick, but Gabriel didn’t fail to see to it that they are in a good shape.

Isabella sometimes feels awkward towards him as he always calls her to ask her if she’s okay and how she’s coping up with her morning sickness. He would also call her to ask if there is something that she’s craving for and would send Helen to buy it.

Maja would even tease her about it, but she just brushes it off. It may seem like Gabriel is caring for her to others, but she can feel that Gabriel is somewhat being forced.

Isabella sighs and opens her social media account, there are lots of fans asking how is she after Tyron’s death, they are even curious of where she at since after that shocking news, she’s suddenly out of the public’s eye.

She wanted to reply to them or give them an update but she’s afraid that with her single post, they might be put into danger. She heaves out another sigh and rubs her belly.

“Little one, I miss your father.” She said as a tear started to fall from her eyes. “I didn’t even tell him about you… I’m so sorry, little angel.”

Isabella hears Ivy and Don Samuel’s voice in the distance. One good thing that happened after Tyron’s tragic death is that there is no more awkwardness between the two families. The twins are also fond of Don Samuel to the point that they are always asking the old Don to play with them, in which the Don is happy to obliged.

She can notice that there is an improvement in her grandfather’s health; he has become livelier, which is a good sign. But he would sigh every time he thinks of Ricardo as he treated him as his own son.

“Bella, did Ricardo call?” The Don asked while they are having their afternoon snack.

“He didn’t call, grandpa.” Isabella answers and the Don sighs. “Don’t worry, grandpa, I’m sure that he’s okay.”

“I hope so, Bella. I hope so.” The Don said.

“Don Samuel, Isabella, come quick!” Miguel said frantically. They look at each other before going inside the house.

“What’s wrong, Miguel?” The Don asks.

“Watch the news.” Miguel answers as he raises the volume of the television. Helen, the maids and even Leon is in the living room with a serious look in their face.

“A buy bust operation was held last night to apprehend the two of the biggest drug lords in the country and they are identified as Frederick Cruz and Ramon Madrigal. Ramon Madrigal is dead as they exchange fires with the authorities while Frederick Cruz is still at large.” The news anchor said. “There are rumors that Frederick Cruz is the mastermind behind the death of Henry Cruz and Hernan Morgan years ago and even his nephew Tyron Cruz.” The anchor continues.

“Damn!” Miguel curses.

“Oh no, what should we do?” Ivy asks worriedly.

“He will surely find a way to find us.” Don Samuel said.

“You don’t have to worry, Don Samuel, we will make sure that you will be safe.” Leon said. “As of now, the team is tracing him and he didn’t have any idea where you are.”

“You’re not just a simple nurse, are you?” Isabella said. “All of you here are working under Gabriel, right?”

“I am a military nurse.” Leon said. “And yes, we are all working under Gabriel’s command, so you don’t have to worry about anything.”

“Then do you know where Ricardo is?” The Don asks. “We still haven’t heard from him since last week.”

“Don’t worry about Ricardo, Don Samuel, he is safe and is helping Ty—I mean, he is helping Sir Gabriel.” Leon stuttered.

“That’s a relief then.” The Don said and heave out a sigh of relief.

“Miguel…” Maja worriedly calls her husband from the staircase.

“What is it, hon?” Miguel asks as he approaches his wife.

“The kids…” Maja began to tear up, making them worried. “The kids can’t stop crying… apparently they heard us talking about Tyron’s death… I tried reasoning them up but they are smart…”

“Hush…” Miguel hugs his wife to calm her. “I will talk and explain it to them.”

Chapter 29 1

Chapter 29 2


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