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The Billionaire's Kick Ass Wife (Isabella Thompson) novel Chapter 676

Chapter 676

A dark blue ship passed through the atmosphere and appeared above Mystical Island.

Now that the Mystical Island was technologically advanced, they quickly discovered this obviously extraordinary spaceship.

But in the blink of an eye, the spaceship disappeared.

Five or six men and women in battle armor appear out of thin air in a deserted mountain range in District 9 of the Mystical Island.

One of them, who had two horns on his head and an exquisite baby face, patted his chest and said in fear. “That was close. I was almost discovered just now.”

A silver-eyed woman with pointy ears qlanced at him and said disdainfully, “Why should you be afraid? I just checked. The people of this planet are so outmatched in combat and technology that they are no match for us.”

“I’m not afraid. I just don’t want to be too loud. It would be troublesome if it caused a disturbance. Do you think so, Your Highness?” With that, the baby-faced young man looked at the tall and handsome young man who had been silent.

The young man wore a magnificent suit of Snow White armor, and he had very pure blond hair and a pair of equally pure golden eyes.

His face combines the depth of the Wecian and the delicacy of the Eacian. His sharp ears, however, made him look a little demonic.

What was most striking, however, was the extraordinary dignity of his temperament. Even if he just stood there quietly and did not speak, he was very different.

Seeing the baby-faced man looking at him, the young man nodded. “Indeed. We’re here to investigate the theft of crystal potion on this planet. We have no intention of invading and starting a war, so we’d better keep a low profile…”

The young man suddenly stopped talking.

He pursed his beautifully shaped thin lips and fixed his golden eyes on a big tree not far ahead.

On the branch of the tree, a colorful snake was staring at him coldly.

What caught his attention, however, was not the huge snake, but a young girl carrying it.

The girl, who had been watching and listening to them from the branch of the tree, was tilting her head with a face full of interest.

A strand of curly long hair hung down from her shoulder and danced gently with the girl’s swaying feet.

The girl had a pair of dark blue eyes. They were clear and clean, but they also exuded an irresistible heat and evilness.

The young man’s sharp ears began to burn for some reason under the girl’s gaze.

He was even a little at a loss.

But how could he, the most respected crown prince of Silverblue, allow himself to be so embarrassingly vulnerable to a young girl?

By the time he reacted, his body was already floating in the air, and he had restrained the girl, half hugging her in his arms.

He was instantly annoyed. How could they be so rude?

But the next moment, he felt a soft warmth in his arms and an indescribable smell of medicine.

The young man felt a little dizzy and his vision was blurred. He lowered his eyes and stared silently at the snake that was biting the back of his hand.

The snake also looked at him coldly.

The young man hesitated for a moment, but in the end, he did not attack the snake. He also stopped the others from attacking the snake. In the next moment, his tall body fell from the sky.

The young girl also fell to the ground with him.

Betty really didn’t expect that she would encounter a few “elves” that seemed to come from fantasy stories just by going into the mountains to search for some strange poisonous insects to refine bugs.

Especially the man who was hugging her. He was really too good-looking. He was 10,000 times better looking than all the boys she had met.

She blinked, feeling that she, who had been single for twenty years, was finally beginning to fall in love.

“Well, now that you’re so good-looking, I’ll allow you to be my most unique experimental object!”

She reached out and touched the young man’s beautiful face.

“Oh, your skin is so good. It’s even finer than mine!”

Then, her evil hand moved to his sharp ears.

She even pinched it. “Wow, is this an elf’s ear…”

Then, the aliens’ eyes twitched as they saw the girl reach out her hand to His Highness’s chest.

“You, what are you doing? Let go of His Highness!” The baby-faced youth shouted angrily and fearfully.

Betty qlanced at them and secretly nodded as she thought. “Yes, these were all good experimental objects. I should trick… No, I should bring them back to Clan Mobius first.”

Hence, she got up from the young man’s body and said with a smile and a harmless expression, “I didn’t do anything! I was just checking this handsome young man’s body.”

“You sure?” The innocent baby-faced alien looked at her suspiciously.

“Yes, I’m sure. I’m a kind and good girl. I saw that he was bitten by Flowery and seemed to have been poisoned. Why don’t you guys come home with me? I have to help him detoxify.”

The baby-faced man was still skeptical. Why did he feel that this girl was not kind at all? Instead, she made people feel scared.

The silver-eyed woman and the other aliens revealed unfriendly expressions. This girl was clearly taking advantage of His Highness just now.

It was a pity that His Highness had lived for a thousand years and his innocence had just disappeared.

When Betty saw that they were obviously wary of her, she immediately said, “Come on! I’m really a good girl. My house is over there. You guys just came to Earth and don’t have a place to stay, right? Why don’t you stay at my house first?”

The aliens looked at each other. That seemed to be the case. They might as well stay at the girl’s house first, and when they knew more about the planet, they could go on investigating the matter of the crystal potion.

“Well, then take us to your house. But I warn you not to do anything wrong. We’re the ones you can’t mess with.”

The silver-eyed woman warned in an evil tone.

Betty blinked her watery eyes. A trace of fear appeared on her face, making her look a little pitiful. She said aggrievedly, “I’m really a good girl. I’m so kind. Don’t scare me.”

Tears quickly gathered in her eyes, making her look really pitiful.

Chapter 676 1

Chapter 676 2


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