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The Billionaire's Ex-Wife (Her Ex-Husband's Regret) novel Chapter 70

Chapter 70 

I stare back at Amber in complete shock

Come an, don’t play dumb with me. I know when someone’s hiding something” 

I know that she’s telling the truth. I am hiding something. And I did sleep with my ex husband. But I just met this woman. What gave 

her the idea that she has the right to talk to me like this? What right does she have to demand answers from me

I raise a haughty brow at her. Ummmexcuse me? But the last time I checkedmy life is none of your darnn business!” 

Oh, it’s my busmess because what you’re doing to Ethan is wrong!” 

And what are you really? Ethan’s mom?” 

Tm his friend!” 

Tu his friend, too!I bite back. And I would never do anything to hurt himas a friend. But that’s all we are. Friends. And Ethan understands that he has no right to tell me what I can and cannot do, and who I can see and cannot see. My life is still my own. Even if 1 do sleep with someone. I’m not cheating on Ethan because we are just friends!” 

So, you are admitting it?she asks in an accusing tone


You’ve said a lot of things, but so far. I have not heard you say that you didn’t sleep with you thing to do, if you aren’t guilty of anything.” 

Amber’s eyes narrowed at me, her gaze probing, searching for any hint of deception

husband, wh 

would have been an cast 

I never said anything about sleeping with my exhusband,” I stated firmly, my voice tinged with a hint of defiance. And like I said, eve if I did, it is no concern of yours.” 

Do you not care about Ethan’s feelings at all?” 

Of course. I do care about his feelings!” 

Then come clean to him. Tell him what happened between you and Kayden Steele, so that whatever illusions he may have of you wil quickly vanish to thin air! Do not lead him on or string him along.” 

I’m not 

But you are! And he’s a willing victim in all this! You cannot love him, but at least be fair to him!” 

With that, Amber stands up from her seat and goes to the restroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts

I look out the window, feeling completely lost and confused. Amber’s words echo in my mind, stirrup up conflicting emotions within me. Guilt gnawed at my insides, twisting and turning like a venomous snake. I put my arms in front of me, as if hugging myself. As I close my eyes, I cannot help but remember the way Kayden’s arms wrap around me. Now, more than ever, I wish I lose myself in his embrace, so I wouldn’t have to face all these conflicting feelings

Ethan has been nothing but kind and caring to me. He doesn’t deserve to get hurt. But what can I do? I just cannot love him the way loved Kayden before the way I think I still love Kayden now

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. Then I feel someone tap my ch*ek. When I open my eyes, I find Ethan smiling down at me

We’re here, sweetheart.” 

I look out the window and realize that we’re already in airport

Amber wastes no time in getting off the plane


11 30 AM 

Chaper 70 

Til arrange for a driver to take you to your hotel.Ethan says to her

Don’t bother. I’m a big girl now. Ciao!” 

She waves goodbye at Ethan, and does not even bother to look at me

Alone with Ethan, I suddenly feel awkward

What does he know about Kayden and me? Is he suspecting that we got stuck in the storm together

Aaargh! These questions are killing me! I feel bad for Ethan. Even though he and I are not in a relationship, I still feel bad for hurting his feelings

But Amber is right. I do have to tell him the truth. He has to know the real score. He needs to know what happened between Kayden and 

  1. 1

EthanI start

Yes, darling?he turns to me, a big smile is pasted on his face

I need to tell you something.I heave a heavy sigh

Have you gotten skinnier? Did you eat at all during the storm?he asks, as if he didn’t hear what I just said. Let’s go eat something heavy. Would you like some steak? Or salmon perhaps?” 


He takes my hand in his and leads me towards the exit of the private airport

Let’s see if Allesandro’s or Brahm’s can accept a last minute reservation,he says

He’s pretending not to hear me

Finally, I pull my hand from his. Ethan!He turns to me, raising a brow. I really need to tell you something!” 

He shakes his head. No, you don’t.” 

But I have to tell you the truth about what happened” 

You don’t have to tell me that. I am not interested. I don’t want to know.” 

But Ethan” 


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