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The billionaire's kick-ass wife novel (Isabella) novel Chapter 442

Chapter 442

Shelly stood in the courtyard and had no intention of entering the house. She also knew that the Barker family did not like her. Moreover, she was not that familiar with Yvette.

Isabella saw a girl standing quietly beside the small pond with a letter in her hand when she came out with Yvette.

Her long and straight black hair was scattered behind her back, and there was a jeweled hair clip on the left side of her temple. She was wearing a fairy-like light yellow sweater and a pair of light blue slim-fit jeans. She looked pure and beautiful.

She seemed a little uneasy and kept her head lowered. When she heard footsteps, she suddenly raised her head and looked over.

Isabella squinted slightly as she sized up the other party with interest.

Yvette, on the other hand, looked serious. She walked to Shelly's side politely and asked, "Hello, Miss Flouder. Why are you looking for me?"

Shelly was also very polite. She hurriedly said, Tm sorry to suddenly come and disturb you, but... I wanted to hand you a letter.'

As she spoke, she handed the letter to Yvette.

Yvette took the letter and opened it. It was an invitation.

"A birthday party?" Yvette looked at Shelly in surprise.

Shelly was a little uneasy as she said, "Yeah, it's my birthday party the day after tomorrow. I invited many of my peers within the circle. I thought...

'Although we haven't interacted much in the past, what's happening between the elders is their business. It has nothing to do with us. Yvette, are you willing to come?"

She looked at Yvette anxiously and expectantly after saying her piece.

"Um..." Yvette was in a dilemma as she held the invitation

At this moment, Isabella walked over. She stood beside Yvette and glanced at the invitation. She then smiled and said, "Yvette, since Miss Flouder has personally come to send you the invitation, let's go!

* Besides, what she said makes sense. What's going on between the elders is the elders’ business. That has nothing to do with you. I just came to Maestria, so I'm not familiar with anything. Bring me along when the time comes."

With that, Isabella looked at Shelly and said, "Miss Flouder, you don't mind bringing another person with you, right?"

Only then did Shelly notice Isabella.

She could not help but be stunned the moment she saw Isabella's looks. She was a socialite from a wealthy family and had seen many handsome men and beautiful women. There were also many with outstanding temperaments. However, this was the first time she had seen someone with such a unique temperament.

She had only glanced at her, yet she felt that Isabella exuded an aura that made people revere her and become inexplicably curious about her.

In other words, Isabella was very attractive.

Compared to her mysterious temperament, her beautiful looks were secondary.

' Yvette, who is this lady?' Shelly looked away from Isabella's face in embarrassment and turned her gaze to Yvette.

Yvette pushed the colorful glasses up the bridge of her nose and hesitated. Seeing that Isabella had no intention of hiding her identity, she said, "Oh, this is my cousin-in-law. She just came to Maestria today."

Shelly was a little stunned and could not react for a moment. She paused for two seconds before saying, "Oh, she's your cousin-in-law. She's

so beautiful. Of course, I welcome you to my birthday banquet with Yvette."

Shelly said with a smile, but her eyes were still a little blank. It was clear that she was still not sure of Isabella's identity, but she was too embarrassed to ask in detail.

At this moment, Hector walked out. Shelly glanced at him and did not stay any longer. She turned around and left after exchanging some formalities.

Hector walked over and stared at Shelly's back. He asked curiously, ’Yvette, Isabelle, what is Miss Flouder doing here? Why did she suddenly come to look for you?"

Isabella turned her head and saw how curious Hector was. She could not help but smile. "Miss Flouder invited your sister to her birthday party."

"Huh?' Hector was confused.

Yvette frowned and said, "Isabelle, actually, I don't want to attend her birthday party at all. I don't like events with too many people.'

Seeing her like this, the smile in Isabella's eyes deepened. "Just treat it as showing your face there. I'll be there with you."

"Look, even Hector feels that Miss Flouder's invitation is very strange. Since that's the case, why don't we go and see what she wants?"

Isabella said meaningfully.


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