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The billionaire's kick-ass wife novel (Isabella) novel Chapter 452

Chapter 452

As soon as Draxton entered, he landed his eyes on Isabella.

A little shocked, Isabella immediately looked at the seven Big Dippers and asked, 'Who informed Draxton?"

The seven of them lowered their heads guiltily. The only girl replied, 'Mrs. Lockwood, we were afraid that we wouldn't be able to handle it, so we called Mr. Lockwood.’

Isabella was rendered speechless and rolled her eyes. "Aren't I here? What can these few cowards do to me?"

' What did you say?' Draxton gnashed his teeth as he walked over.

At the sight of Draxton's sullen look, Isabella immediately shut her mouth obediently.

She sighed sadly in her heart, "No matter how arrogant I am in front of outsiders, I have to follow this man's instructions."

Seeing her innocent and timid look, Draxton was both angry and amused. He sized her up and asked with concern, "Are you tired?"

Isabella looked into Draxton's dark blue eyes which were filled with worry. With guilt in her mind, she replied gently, "A little.'

Draxton answered without hesitation, Why didn't you call me since you were tired? If it weren't for Big Dippers, would you have personally fought with these people tonight?"

Isabella was really mortified with guilt. She drooped her head, not as majestic as before.

With her mouth slightly wide, Yvette was dumbfounded as she watched the scene.

"Is this upset girl in front of me really the ferocious thug who grabbed Jerico's head and slammed it against the door?'

At the thought of this, Yvette unconsciously darted a glance at Draxton in admiration. Her cousin Draxton was the only person that Isabella would listen to!

One of the Big Dippers complained, "Mr. Lockwood, Mrs. Lockwood and Miss Baker were almost in trouble. But for Mrs. Lockwood's self-protection, the consequences would have been too ghastly to contemplate.’

Isabella was throwing a fit. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Big Dippers. "Hey! Who is your boss? When did you learn to be a whistle-blower?"

Big Dippers quickly lowered their heads obediently, looking as innocent and pitiful as pets reprimanded by their masters.

Isabella was furious with her eyes wide. Fine, they had learned from Isabella to pretend they were being abused!

Yvette covered her mouth and chuckled.

Draxton was also amused by Isabella. He whispered to Isabella while wrapping his arms around her, Give me ten minutes. We'll go home in ten minutes."

"Draxton Lockwood!"

Patriarch Wheeler interrupted Draxton angrily. He was simply exasperated by Draxton's arrogance.

Draxton turned to look at Patriarch Wheeler with a cold gaze and shouted, "Shut up!"

"You..." Patriarch Wheeler didn't know what to reply.

However, Draxton ignored Patriarch Wheeler completely.

Patriarch Wheeler finally realized that Draxton did not take him seriously and that he was not qualified to talk to Draxton at all.

Patriarch Wheeler's face was boiling with anger. Feeling humiliated, he was about to gain back his when Draxton's voice rose again.

But Draxton was not talking to Patriarch Wheeler this time.

"I've born the Chancely family of Southeast Aelinne in mind. You've done a good job today and I, Draxton Lockwood, will naturally have David Chancely compensate for today's incident."

Draxton stared coldly at Jerico and said in a steely tone.

David Chancely was the patriarch of the Chancely family, a mafia boss in Southeast Aelinne, and Jerico's father.

Jerico's face darkened for fear of his father and the humiliation he was suffering now.

Draxton directly asked Jerico's father to be blamed for today's incident, which meant his complete disdain for Jerico.

Just as Jerico went loopy and he planned to regain his dignity, Draxton suddenly raised his hand and shot Jerico.

The bullet went straight into Jerico's shoulder.


Jerico's subordinates screamed and raised their guns to aim at Draxton, but they did not dare to fire. All of them had wary expressions.

Jerico pressed hard on his bleeding shoulder and stared at Draxton with bloodshot eyes.

Draxton snorted and said coolly, ”1 should have ended your life directly, but I'm in a good mood and want to play a game with you.

Jerico, start fleeing now. As long as you successfully escape from the Lucsia, I will allow you to return to Southeast Aelinne alive.

If you're not capable enough and fail to escape from Lucsia, you deserve to die. Do you have any objections to the rules of this game?"

Jerico fixed his cold eyes at Draxton and warned, "Draxton Lockwood, don't be too arrogant..."


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