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The billionaire's kick-ass wife novel (Isabella) novel Chapter 459

Chapter 459

Michael closed his eyes and said, "I know, Dad."

After a pause, he continued, "Dad, Mom, listen, if I'm not wrong, Jerico can't escape from Maestria at all. The Lockwood family is so powerful that no one can escape their hunting in Lucsia.

' Jerico also knows this, so he's very likely to come back to our house to seek your help.1'

Patriarch Wheeler, Frieda, and even Erica's eyes lit up at the same time.

On the contrary, Michael's eyes darkened. "Jerico is a murderer who might do anything crazy. It was because of the Wheeler family that he ended up so miserable. So, if he really comes to us, you'd better contain him and hand him over to the Barkers to ease the tension between the two families.

"I know what you're thinking. You still want to befriend him, but I think cooperating with him is like asking a tiger for its skin. It won't end well.

"If you don't want the Wheeler family to fall, do as I say."

Patriarch Wheeler and Frieda remained silent.

Michael continued, "Dad, Mom, you’d better remember my words. Otherwise, you can't afford the consequences."

Michael had no idea if they would take his words to heart, but he could do nothing about it even if they did not listen to him.

He had done his best to convince them. Anyway, he could not lock the Wheelers up to keep them from getting in touch with Jerico.

There were some things that he could not help with even if he wanted to. He only hoped that they would take his warning seriously.

Patriarch Wheeler said,' Michael, we know what you mean. Don't worry, we know what to do."

Hearing that, Michael knew that there was no way he could change their minds, so he stopped trying to convince them and said, ' Dad, Mom, take a good rest. I still have something to deal with. I'm leaving,"

Patriarch Wheeler nodded. "Go ahead.'

Michael looked in Shelly's direction and said, Shelly, come with me. I have something to tell you.''

Shelly looked at Erica before she got up and followed Michael out.

The father and daughter went to the living room. As there was no one around and Michael remained silent, Shelly felt very uneasy. She couldn't help but ask, "Dad, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Michael turned to her and sized her up for a while. His daughter had half of his features and half of Erica's. Thinking of this, he looked at Shelly with loving eyes and said gently, Shelly, I want you to go back to the Flouder family's house. The Wheeler family is now in trouble. I'm afraid it's not safe for you to stay here."

Shelly widened her eyes and said in disbelief, "Dad, it's because something happened to the Wheeler family that I should stay. Grandpa and

Grandma are both sick. Uncle and Yax are busy with our family business. Mom and Aunt can't take care of them at all.

"I don't think it's appropriate for me to go back to the Flouder family's house at this time.'

"There's nothing inappropriate about it. The current situation is special. They won't blame you even if you leave.

"Think about it. What if Jerico really comes back and sees you?"

When Shelly heard this, she was taken aback and her face turned pale. 'Dad, that won't happen. He's racking his brain to get away from being hunted. How can he be in the mood to do anything else?"

"Anyway, listen to me and go back to the Flouder family's house with me. I'll come here tomorrow morning to take care of your grandparents.

They'll be fine even without you around.'

Michael said in a firm tone.


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