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The billionaire's kick-ass wife novel (Isabella) novel Chapter 609

Chapter 609

For the next half a month, Draxton did not come to the Lyons family's residence again.

Instead, he communicated with Isabella using the Prime Code.

During the exchange, the two of them became more and more familiar with the operation and function of the Prime Code.

Therefore, although they could not meet, they had a very fulfilling time exchanging ideas and studying at the same time Suddenly, one day, the Prime Code Chip in their minds lit up simultaneously.

The two rays of light, like the two ends of an electrode, span the distance between each other and invisibly connect them.

Isabella and Draxton trembled as if they had been electrocuted simultaneously.

Then, a long ring sounded in their minds.


Isabella and Draxton's thoughts fell into a dormant state simultaneously. A minute later, a crisp electronic voice suddenly sounded in their minds. "Welcome to The Fairy. Hello, Masters. I'm Elsa."

Draxton and Isabella were stunned at the same time.

Even though they couldn't see each other, they knew the other party's expression.

Both were simply dumbfounded.

The sudden voice of the program and the words ' The Fairy" directly set off an incredible sci-fi storm in their minds.

Although the crystal potion was extraordinary and the Prime Code was magical, they had an inkling that perhaps the secret of the Prime Code had just been revealed.

"What's The Fairy?'


Isabella and Draxton wondered in their minds in unison.

After that thought flashed past their minds, they fell silent.

Though they were not in the same place, their minds were going through identical thoughts as if they were one. They used their thoughts to make have a voice. Not only could they hear their own voices, but they could also hear each other's voices.

The Prime Code system was silent for a moment before saying, "That ship that sank under the ocean is The Fairy.

"Fifty years ago, The Fairy was left on this planet and sank under the ocean. I fell into a deep sleep. You woke me up."

Isabella and Draxton's hearts tightened. They said in unison, "Alien spaceship?

"Something like that," Elsa said.

Isabella and Draxton were silent for a second. In fact, they had guessed it.

The origin of the big ship at the bottom of the Pacilian Ocean was puzzling, like a mystery.

Now, they finally had the answer.

"The two of you are strange. You can have me simultaneously and cooperate seamlessly to wake me up successfully. In the future, if you two argue, whose should I prioritize?"

When Draxton heard what Elsa's said, he sneered. "It's indeed an alien culture. How insensible."

Elsa's face darkened for a moment. She was at a loss and felt wronged. How was she insensible? She was very polite!

Elsa did not expect the people on that planet to discriminate against alien civilizations.

Isabella pursed her lips and smiled. She seemed to have understood what Draxton meant.

Sure enough, the next moment, Draxton coughed lightly and said uneasily, "Elsa, in Lucsia, good men must listen to their wives and follow their wishes. Do you understand?"

After saying that, his ears turned red uncomfortably.

This was too embarrassing.

It was too shameless.

Isabella could not help but purse her lips tighter and smile. She could imagine how cute Draxton's expression was at that moment. Then, she laughed out loud.

She wanted to be by his side and tease him.

"I understand." Elsa's voice rang out. "You guys are flirting."

Isabella and Draxton were silent, but Elsa said in all seriousness, "If that is the case, please set your authority.

"Although you are my common masters and have equal authority, if there is a disagreement between you, I will use the will of the master with the first authority as the guideline."

Isabella said, "Draxton, you do it."


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