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The billionaire's kick-ass wife novel (Isabella) novel Chapter 661

Chapter 661

Both Betty and Ricky gave it their all in an effort to shift the guy. They were exhausted to the point where their cheeks were flushed and they were sweating heavily.

As they had the man settled on the couch, they both slumped on the floor out of exhaustion.

The kids rested for a moment and heard the man say weakly, Hey kid, give me the cure now. I won't dare to kidnap you again. If you give me the cure, I'll apologize to you, alright?"

Betty shook her head and said, No way, I still have to wait two days to observe your condition."

The man looked at the serious and innocent little girl, but his vision whirled and his heart was filled with despair.

His only hope now was that Isabella could find this place as soon as possible.

As long as Isabella came to find them, he would be saved.

To think that he had once kidnapped someone else's child and was now counting on them to save his life was a cruel twist of fate.

The realization of this sent a twinge of regret to the man's heart.

How could he have known that he would run into these two little demons just because of the ambition of getting his hands on the crystal potion's experiment results and the Prime Code?

Was this how Isabella usually taught her children?

Who the fuck would dare to provoke them if this were the case?

Just as the man was relieved and waiting for Isabella to come over, Ricky spoke, "Betty, I think mom will definitely come and rescue us."

As soon as the man heard this, a terrible feeling of dread went through him.

Betty tilted her head and said worriedly, "Then what should we do? If Mom sees this, she will scold us!"

Ricky thought for a moment and suggested, "Why don't we bring him along and hide him?"

Betty's eyes immediately lit up.

They exchanged glances, each knowing what the other was thinking.

The man, on the other hand, was going crazy.

Hide? Where were they going to hide him? How were they going to hide him?

Initially, he didn't believe that they could hide him. He thought that these were just their naive thoughts.

However, the next moment, the man's eyes widened.

Ricky got out a pendant from his neck.

However, upon taking a closer look, it wasn't a pendant. It was obvious that it was the aircraft!

Ricky unhooked the aircraft from his neck and pressed it until it became a meter wide. Under the man's desperate gaze, the two of them pushed the man off the sofa and onto the aircraft.

Very immediately after that, the aircraft proceeded to grow larger until it was carrying the three of them and flew right through the floor-to-ceiling window on the side.

The sound of the window shattering was loud. The aircraft flew out of the room and turned ten meters wide before flying away.

Outside the liner, the Lockwood family's guard who was on duty was stunned. Wasn't that an aircraft?

His eyes flashed and he quickly ran into the liner without wasting any time to report the situation to Isabella.

The guards who had been unconscious began to awake as soon as the window was broken and the cool air rushed in.

Realizing something was amiss, they awoke to find that the chief and the two children were gone along with the shattered window.

They immediately opened the door and ran out. As they ran, they shouted, "Did you see the chief and the children leaving the room?"

The bodyguard guarding outside said in surprise, "Wasn't the chief staying in the room with you all the time?"


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