River's POV
"River I love you to a point going back would be impossible.Let us forgot about the worries and just live for once."I knew what he was saying was hard but at the moment it felt like the only logical thing to do.
"I love you too."I replied, engulfing him into a hug and before I knew it tears came running down my cheeks.
Ethan quickly pulled away with widened eyes to examine me,"Did I hurt you or anything?"He asked, causing me to chuckle.
I scoffed,"No its these damn hormones. I think it gets worse each pregnancy."I sniffed and he cackled which earned him a slap over the head.
"Hey what did you do that for?"He asked with a stern face on and I rolled my eyes.
"You were being a jerk and laughing at me."I chuckled and he wrapped his arm around me wiggling his eye brows.
"You want to go to bed?"He whispered in my ear and I glared at him because I knew exactly what he meant by that.
"Your a liar. Your not going to bed."He just cackled mischievously as he placed his hand on my leg.
"I love how you know what I want without me saying a word."He said, picking me up bridal style and placing me onto the bed.
He placed a kiss on my neck,"Mmmhmm tell me what else you love about me?"He removed my blouse trailing kisses down to my tummy causing my heart to flutter.
He laughed gazing at me,"I love that even when your pregnant you have the beauty of a thousand goddesses."This time he brought his head back to my face and kissed me passionately.
I just loved the way he made me feel.
"What else?"I asked, curiously.
"I love the amount of passion your green eyes carry and the way you scrunch your nose when your angry at me in particular."That one made me grimace internally because I hated that he caught that. Ethan removed my jeans and sat there admiring me which made me burry my head in my hands while blushing intensely."Why are you hiding?You look beautiful and would look beautiful even after many years of aging."He pulled my hands apart and placed a kiss on my lips.He removed my bra and trailed kisses down to my breast causing me to moan his name in pleasure,"I love when I kiss you in a sensitive area you yell my name."
After hours we laid there on the bed trying to catch our breathe's and Ethan's arms were wrapped around my baby bump as we fell asleep.
Later I awoke with an absurd craving for chocolate ice cream. I tossed and turned thinking maybe I would forget it but it just caused me to stay awake even longer.So I did what every sane person would do at two in morning. I got up gently so I wouldn't wake Ethan up and headed towards the kitchen to rummage through the freezer but to my surprise there was no ice cream.
I headed back to room to wake Ethan up. I needed this or I was not going to sleep.
"Ethan wake up!"He groaned then rolled over to the other side making me sigh."Ethan wake up! I need ice cream!"
"Mmmmm let me sleep River."He begged and even though he looked like an angel sleeping I had to wake him up.
"Ethan please!I need my chocolate ice cream."He groaned some more and then finally took a glance at his watch.
"It is two; fifteen in the morning River.Can't you wait until tomorrow?"He said, all this with his eyes open and I was so close to slapping that perfect jaw line of his.
"No I can't wait because I won't sleep."I replied and this time my tone was slightly higher then before.
"Ok come on." He pulled the covers from off of him and began to change into different set of clothes.
"What about Nate?"I asked and that same minute Nathan came knocking on our door.I opened it to find him half asleep.
"Mommy can I get a glass of milk?" I smirked because I had a better idea in mind.
"How about ice cream?"He gave me a puzzled look and Ethan finally came out dressed.
"Can it be chocolate?"I loved when his taste buds agreed with mine especially at times like these.
"A friend of mine has an ice cream near the San Fransisco bridge.You guys can eat and we can also enjoy the view at the same time."He explained and then lead us out into the garage then to his Porsche.
Within minutes we had our ice cream cones and were observing the San Francisco Bridge.
"Are you guys satisfied?"Ethan asked looking at me then at Nate and we nodded.
"Its really good."Nate and I said in unison causing Ethan to smile.
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