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The Billionaire's Pretend Wife (Isabella) novel Chapter 27

When the assistant took back the shirt, Isabelle turned and headed towards where the two were standing. They stopped talking when they saw her approaching, but unfortunately for them, she had already heard everything.

“Excuse me, can you please stop mocking us? We came here to shop and it’s quite unpleasant when you two are standing here making insulting remarks.”

The two exchanged a look, and then faced her. One of them frowned. “I’m sorry, what are you talking about?” She asked that with a confused expression, as if she truly had no idea what Isabelle was talking about.

“I could hear you two clearly,” Isabelle told them, “so don’t bother acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about. Is this how you treat customers here?”

“Customers are people who buy clothes here,” the other one said, not interested in playing pretend like her coworker. “You two are obviously just here to waste everybody’s time. Look around and ask yourself if this looks like a store you should be in.”

Isabelle clenched her hands and took a step forward, but a firm hand clasped around her arm, keeping her in place. She looked up to find Jacob beside her, his furious gaze on the two assistants.

“Apologise to my wife right away,” he ordered the assistants. His aura was threatening, like he wasn’t going to back off until they apologised.

“You and your wife are interrupting business,” the first assistant said, raising her voice. “Please leave before we call security.”

“How exactly are we doing that?” Isabelle demanded. “We came here to shop, like everybody else.”

The assistant gestured to her clothes. “Look at yourselves. It’s obvious you cannot afford anything in this store. It’s fine if you came to window-shop, but do you have to waste our time waiting on you? If other customers see you two in here, they might refuse to shop here anymore. With people like you here, it looks like a common shop.”

Isabelle scoffed, amazed at their shameless accusations. “Is it your habit to look down on customers, or is this how you people run business here?”

“What is going on here?” a new voice joined the melee. It was a man dressed in a staff uniform like the others, but his tag read Manager.

“These two walked in and started bothering everyone,” the second assistant replied. “They can’t buy anything but have been harassing us for minutes now.”

“That’s not true!” Isabelle claimed when the manager turned to them. “We were looking through our options, but it appears that the staff isn’t willing to be helpful.”

The manager looked at her, gave her a once-over, and did the same to Jacob. “I think you two should leave, you’re in the wrong store.”

Isabelle’s jaw fell as the manager spoke. She had expected him to pay attention to their plight and help them along, or at least make an effort to find out how the entire situation had developed. Instead, he seemed to not be any different from the assistants. “How are we in the wrong store?” she asked, not willing to back down when these people were treating them so poorly.

“If you don’t intend to buy anything, leave or I’ll call security. My staff are busy and we don’t need idlers like you two wasting our time.”


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