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The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine) novel Chapter 118

In the night sky.

Fighter jet engines roared and thundered.

The winds were like a great invisible hand, pressing them down with force.

They were supposed to be tools for war, yet they were reduced to mere escorts.

The scene was to behold.

Even with Aiden’s experience, it wasn’t easy to calm down at this point.

And everyone in the departure hall had also been distracted by this spectacular scene.

There was an uproar throughout the hall.

Everyone was stunned.


It was coupled with the roar of the fighter jet.

The private jet slowly landed on the runway and began taxiing.

When the civilian jet came to a complete halt, the fleet of ten fighter jets burst into a thundering roar in the night sky.

Like thunderstruck.

The immense sound.

Following that, the ten fighter jets’ fleet held a curved formation, turned around and head back. They disappeared in the night sky.

Even though the time elapsed was short, one second was enough to leave an indelible impression on everyone.

“Master… the departure hall has gathered some crowd,” The butler whispered.

Aiden returned to his senses and gave a faint smile, “Hughes’ family’s “true dragon” has descended, having ten fighter jets escorting. It is not something that can be blasphemed by mere normies?”

With that, he led the way quickly towards the private jet.

Gradually, Aiden’s gaze deepened, and he pondered quickly.

As he approached the jet, his face grew redder, and his heart beat faster and faster as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

Tools of war used as an escort had shown the supremacy of the presence of the private jet.

From what he knew about Hughes’ family, only two could come out in such a grand manner.

One was Patrick Hughes, and the other was Madam Hughes.

Whoever it was, they were both real dragons that roam the heavens to Aiden.

And for him, a mere mole, to receive such dragons was like a pilgrimage, a true privilege of all.

As Aiden, the most powerful businessman in the city, who could be as calm as a toad in the sun, walked towards the private jet with a formal manner with a hint of squirming.

With the night descended, the suburban airport looked like it was frozen in time.

The private jet was just like a beast in the night.

When Aiden led his men to the private jet, the hatch swung open at the same time.


Dozens of men led by Aiden bowed and welcomed with great volume.

The sound was like a tidal wave.

“Get up,” An old woman voiced out.

Madam Hughes!

Aiden had an instant decision in his mind, and he slowly looked up.

In sight, an older woman with silver hair, holding her bamboo cane, was being assisted down the stairs steadily.

The black, red cheongsam set Madam Hughes’ temperament to perfection.

With a radiant face, brilliant starry eyes, and neatly tended silver hair. It was difficult to tell the actual age of Madam Hughes. This also created an aura of nobility that people look up to her.

If she hadn’t been in a high position, overseeing all others, she wouldn’t have been able to cultivate such temperament.

“Your humble servant Aiden, here to greet Madam Hughes.”

Aiden quickly stepped forward after a slight bow and raised his hand, ready to assist Madam Hughes off the jet.

“I don’t know you, and I don’t want to ask how you knew I will be here tonight.”

Madam Hughes spoke calmly, but with a high and outlandish attitude, “Dismiss yourselves.”

Aiden stood rooted.

He was full of embarrassment and fear.

Killian ordered him to greet and receive Madam Hughes, but he had not expected any of this.


Madam Hughes raised her eyebrow and thumped her bamboo staff in her hand.

Aiden shook with fear and hurriedly explained, “Madam Hughes, I am a good friend of Killian. And when he knew you were coming to the city, so he ordered me to welcome you and at your disposal.”

In desperation, Aiden could only mention about Killian.


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