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The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine) novel Chapter 12

Jack didn’t mind at all the encounter with Tommy.

All his focus was on the West Shantytowns’ renovation project.

This was a chance for him to prove himself to his father he never met.

This was also the first time he could show everyone what he had got.

A contract with a sky-high price of 300 thousand yuan is a disaster for DT Agency.

Everyone in the agency knew what to expect with such a huge loss.

The company was wrapped by a nervous atmosphere that Jack could easily felt when he arrived at the agency the next day.

People were diving into their work as usual. But they were no longer relaxed. Everybody kept weirdly quiet.

Out of frustration, Jack went straight to the office.

He understood they didn’t leave while knowing about the contract loss, for they trusted him with all they had.

But their trust didn’t even ease his worry.

He couldn’t expect them to be relaxed like him.

“They can smile the day after tomorrow,” Jack said firmly.

As long as Mr. Ward help him go through this, Jack would have utter confidence in turning the tables. Not only would they avoid losses in the West Shantytowns’ renovation project, but they would also make a fortune!

Jack was communicating with his client via his phone when he found the message from his old friend he didn’t reply the night before.

It was simple. “How are you?”

After a few seconds, he replied with a bitter look on his face. “I’m fine.”

The friend continued immediately. “I am coming back next month after I’m done with my stuff here. It’s been three years since we last met.”

In a trance, Jack got caught up in his thoughts and muttered a girl’s name, “Amber Knight…”

This girl was the bridesmaid at his wedding with Katherine three years ago. She went abroad soon after, and they hadn’t been in touch since then.

Everything changed after three years. The old friend told him she was coming back too, but he had already divorced Katherine.

Jack chuckled mockingly, “All right.” He put down the phone and continued his work.

On the other side of the ocean, it was midnight.

In a spacious room echoed soothing piano music.

A faint fragrance filled the room.

A beautiful silhouette leaned by the giant French window. The young graceful lady was looking into the distance with a tender smile, when someone knocked the door.

“Amber, you sure you’ll be going back next month?” A husky voice came.

“Yup.” Amber nodded with a smile. “It’s been three years, dad. I want to go back and have a look.”

“But there’s a dinner next month. I want you to go with me so that I can introduce you some young men. You need to make more friends at your age, you know,”

Amber frowned, “Who is it this time, dad? The Roosevelt’s? Or the prince from the oil tycoon family?”

“Both!” her dad answered in a deep voice.

“Not interested.” Amber declined.


On the other side, a fierce dispute broke out in Katherine’s house.


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