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The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine) novel Chapter 137

It was silent all night.

The next morning, people lined up again in front of the four sales centers of DT real estate agency.

There were a lot of media reporters waiting anxiously.

The check-out crisis of DT real estate agency had attracted the attention of the whole city.

This was a big piece of news that people couldn’t be missed!

Inside the Dragon Garden sales center, a group of DT real estate agency employees looked at the long line outside sadly.

They could even foresee that the last 30% of homebuyers left yesterday would cancel the purchase today.

Looking back on the day when Dragon Garden’s house was sold out, every employee couldn’t help feeling sad.

After today, DT real estate agency might go bankrupt completely.

"Hey, when do you open the door?"

Now it hadn’t been office time yet, but the people queuing outside became very impatient.

"We are here, stop dawdling! Do you want to go back on your words?"

"Mr. Hughes has promised to let us cancel the purchase. Isn’t it going to start now?"

"Media reporters, shoot quickly to expose the crime of DT real estate agency. They don’t want to cancel the purchase for us."

In the face of this group of people waiting to cancel the purchase, the media reporters laughed bitterly.

What was going on?

It hadn’t been office time yet. The employees of DT real estate agency were here just to make preparations in advance.

They didn’t go back on their words.

At the front of the line was a bald man.

Seeing the staff of the sales center not respond, he suddenly became angry.

He stepped forward quickly, raised his fist and began to knock at the door hard.

"Dong! Dong!"

"What are you doing? How long do you want us to wait? If you don’t want us to cancel the purchase, you can say it directly. In that case, we will take legal measures directly! "

As soon as he finished, all the people in line echoed his words.

In Dragon Garden sales center,

Several employees looked at a young man.

"Manager, what shall we do?"

The young man bowed his head and sighed, "Well, open the door. Mr. Hughes has already ordered that if the buyers want to cancel the purchase, we need to help them cancel the purchase. Because of Jack, some sales centers of Dragon Garden made a lot of money. Now when Mr. Hughes comes across such a thing, all we can do is to act according to his requirement."

The two salesmen nodded and quickly stepped forward to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, the bald man came in and glanced at the two salesmen, "If I didn’t threaten you, would you open the door? Do you really think we are easy to be bullied?"

Before this bald man finished his words,

The people behind him burst in.

The crowd was noisy and crowded.

In an instant, the sales center became like a food market in the morning.

Soon, the bald man canceled the purchase. He took the contract and tried to get out of the crowd.

When the bald man walked out of the sales center, he took a deep breath and said with an excited smile, "God. I’ve managed to keep my money. I take money to speculate in real estate. I can only make money, and I can’t lose money. Mr. Hughes of DT real estate agency is such a fool. He is much more stupid than other real estate owners!"

The four sales centers were helping homebuyers cancel the purchase.

In DT real estate agency, the atmosphere was not good.

All the employees were listless and depressed.

Some employees’ eyes were bloodshot. Obviously, they didn’t sleep all night.

Corbin was one of them.

Corbin was promoted by Jack. It was with the help of Jack that he had achieved success.

Corbin liked DT real estate agency and Jack.

But now, DT real estate agency was facing such a big crisis. His grief might be only a little lower than Jack’s.

Taking a deep breath, Corbin walked into Jack’s office.

To Corbin’s surprise, Jack was still sitting in front of the computer as he did yesterday, looking at the real-time feedback data. He didn’t look happy or sad.


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