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The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine) novel Chapter 42

That was what Amber replied for the last time.

It confused Jack a lot.

When he returned to the apartment, the light in the living room was on.

Brent sat on the sofa with his eyes closed.

Jack smiled. "You’re still awake, Brent?"

"Master, Mr. Ward has called."

Brent opened his eyes and said solemnly. "Mr. Ward has returned to the family overnight, but George is still in the city."

"What happened?" Jack asked.

Mr. Ward was always sent by the father he had never met to assist him. There must be serious happening. Now that Mr. Ward was coming back to the family in such a hurry.

Moreover, it should be related to George, otherwise Brent would not summarize the two things in one sentence.

"I don't know yet." Brent shook his head, "But according what Mr. Ward had said on the phone, it seems to be related to George."

Jack was amused suddenly.

The father, whom he had never met before, wanted him to return to the family and inherit. Unexpectedly, George made Mr. Ward return overnight.

It seemed that...the father didn’t really have much power in the family, after all?

As if knowing what Jack was thinking, Brent explained. "Master, the Hughes family is no joke. The internal power is well balanced and oppressed. So, your father is also being restrained."


Jack waved his hand indifferently.

Now that the reconstruction project of West Shantytowns was in progress smoothly, it was as if a full-score answer sheet which was enough to satisfy his father.

Even if Mr. Ward was not by his side, and George was still in this city, he thought that it was not a big problem at the moment.

The Hughes family had power and influence.

Was it powerful in this city as well?

Even if George was a tough guy, Jack highly doubt that he could beat a local villain in this city.

Early the next morning.

Jack, as usual, finished the training of physical fitness and fighting skills with Brent. Then he headed to DT agency.

However, he called Daisy and told her not to let others approach his mother, in case it worsened her condition.

Judging from the encounter with Katherine in the hospital yesterday, the Parrys weren’t going to let it slide easily.

Jack was busy until noon, Corbin suddenly rushed into the office.

"Something is off, Master Hughes. The material suppliers in the city suddenly issued a notice to collectively boycott DT’s supply. And EnRich is one of them."

Jack's face became gloomy suddenly.

He was shocked by Corbin’s words.

The West Shantytown reconstruction project was taken over by DT. Now the city is booming, the materials suppliers would never make such a decision as long as they were sane.

What's more, the material supply contract was just signed with EnRich yesterday!

Corbin was sweating anxiously. "Master Hughes, this is a serious matter. I talked to Mr. Ellis from EnRich. He was willing to pay liquidated damages. If our company was really boycotted by the city, the reconstruction project of the city will have to be put aside. The construction site will not be able to proceed until another material supplier is found..."

"I know." Jack interrupted Corbin. Once the real estate project was started, money was spent by second. The gap before finding a new material supplier was enough to destroy DT!

After taking a deep breath, Jack suddenly muttered. "Is that...you?"


At EnRich.


Amber angrily smashed the documents on the table. Her beautiful eyes were burning with rage, and staring at Josh. "Mr. Ellis, what do you mean? We just signed a contract with DT upon the supply materials yesterday. Why is Enrich on today's boycott notice?"

She has just learned about it.


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