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The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine) novel Chapter 71

Jack Hughes did not expect anything.

He was just complaining a little but it angered his mother.

She even gave him a slap!

His mother did not hit him for a long time...

“I don’t allow you to slander him, he’s your father and my husband. He did nothing wrong back then!” Sophie Burton cried as she was full of anger.

“But he abandons us and enjoys the good life by himself!”

Jack was filled with resentment. “Does he know how much have you suffered over the years? You’re sick due to the exhaustion of taking care of me. Does he know that I grew up being judged as a bastard ever since he abandoned us?"

“Shut up, keep your mouth shut!”

Sophie replied angrily. “Jack, back then you were young and you didn’t know what happened. I wouldn’t blame you when you complained your father. Now, you’re a grown-up man. You and I had experienced many things and it was not your father’s fault. Don’t blame him anymore.”

Jack was in panic when he saw his mother’s expression.

Earlier on, he was very mad at his father whom he had never met before and neglected his mother's current condition.

He quickly comforted her. “Mum, please calm down. Please calm down...”

Sophie tried her best to take a deep breath and slowly calmed down.

She looked at Jack with full of tears in her eyes. She slowly touched his face and asked, “Do you feel hurt?”

He shook his head as he suppressed down his anger. His voice was trembling. “I just don’t understand, why do you want to protect that man!”

A moment of silence.

After a long moment of silence.

Sophie put down her hand and lowered her head. She was like recalling her memories, but also like thinking about something.

Ten minutes have passed.


Sophie sighed heavily. “When you were young, you asked me why your father abandoned you. I didn’t tell you because you were still young. Now, you’re a grown-up man and he’s back. Perhaps I should... tell you.”

After a while, she wiped the tears from her eyes. “It was because if he did not leave, he would be dead. You and I would be dead as well...”


It was like an explosion in Jack’s mind. He was completely stunned.

Did his mother just say that the ungrateful man who abandoned the family was trying to protect both of them?

How was that possible?

Sophie’s words instantly made Jack realize something.

“They don’t treat human life as human life!” Sophie put her hand on her head as her tone was filled with sadness.

Jack turned speechless.

He met George Hughes before.

George dared to kill anyone!

Back then if Brent did not arrive on time, he would be killed by George.

In other words, his mother’s words seemed reasonable!

Sophie suddenly hugged Jack.

She cried and started begging him. “Jack, don’t blame your father. He was just trying to protect his family. Although we have suffered a lot for the past 20 years, at least we are still here. If your dad did not leave, all of us would be dead by now.”

“He never abandons us. He has always loved you and your mother. Back then, he was unwilling to say goodbye to us when you’re still in my stomach.”

“He’s a real man and your father. He has been doing his best to fulfill his responsibilities. Your mother never blames your father for leaving us and you can’t blame him as well.”

His mother’s crying sound felt like a needle piercing through Jack’s heart.

He was completely stunned and speechless.

Since he was young, he had been holding grudge against his father.

He never thought of anything else.

When she cried, she started to hesitate about his hatred against his father.

“Then why doesn’t he come and find us after so many years? Why does he wait until you’re almost dying then only sends Mr. Ward instead of himself coming over personally?” Jack asked in a trembling voice.

“I believe that he has his own reasons, I know that he’s the head of their family. But in this family, he’s not the only one who can make decision!”


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