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The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine) novel Chapter 77

The corner of the construction site was piled up with sand and cement.

The ground was full of dust.

A dozen of people with helmets on and steel tubes and shovels in their hands had gathered around. They hit them with the steel tubes and shovels without mercy.

Among the crowd, Brent and Daisy Hill were hugging each other.

Brent shielded Daisy with his tall and strong body. The steel tubes and shovels were smashed hard on his back.

Daisy had been frightened. She cried in despair until her throat was sore. However, she was still holding her phone tightly.

She knew that the phone was the last chance to save themselves!

They were in an extremely difficult position and their clothes were torn. Daisy’s face was bruised. There was bloodstain in the corner of her mouth.

Brent’s face was already full of blood. The wound on his head was still bleeding. His body had also been injured severely.

“Sob… Brent… I, I have brought you into this trouble…”

Seeing how Daisy felt guilty, Brent opened his mouth. Blood poured out from his mouth.

His eyes showed determination and he smiled sheepishly, “I… I am here. Don’t… Don’t afraid…”

“Fuck, stop. Stop immediately!”

A sharp voice sounded suddenly.

Someone immediately rushed into the crowd as he dragged and pushed through the crowd.

This man was around twenty-seven years old. His height was around 170cm and his body looked fit. He also had a pair of slitty eyes, a hooknose, showing a cruel and vicious impression.

After pushing through the crowd, he was short of breath as he squatted in front of Brent and Daisy.

A slap was heard. He had slapped on Brent’s bloody head.

“Why the fuck you want to protect this bitch? It is the rule to pay back your debt. If she couldn’t, I will take her for the debt. It is an unalterable principle!”


The hooknose man was getting angrier after talking. He kept slapping Brent’s head.

“What the hell are you pretending to be? Do you still want to save a beauty like a hero? Even if I kill you today, won’t you believe that I will still be free and unrestrained? Remember, don’t talk any fucking nonsense later! It is this bitch who owes me money!”


“Stop beating him. I beg you. Please stop beating him…”

Daisy raised her hands and tried to protect Brent’s head as she was crying and begging for mercy.

“Fuck you, bitch. You have caused me such big trouble. I will beat you too!”

The man’s face was ferocious. He turned his hand towards Daisy to slap her face.


Suddenly, the man’s wrist was grabbed by a big hand.

The man was shocked. He looked at Brent in panic, “What are you trying to do?”

Brent glared at the man without hiding his intention to murder in his eyes. He twisted his lips that were covered with blood and smiled coldly.

“It’s fine to beat me. If you try to beat a woman, you will be dead…”

“Fuck you. Who do you think you are?”

“If you hadn’t played dirty, at this moment… you would all be lying down.”

Brent wasn’t bluffing. He was once one of the best soldiers in the warzone. It was extremely easy for him to knock out a dozen of armed people.

However, the man walked towards him with a smile earlier on.

Then when he was focused on Daisy who was being beaten up, a steel tube was smashed on his head from his back.

That was why he and Daisy were in such a difficult position.

“Stop your fucking bluff!”

The man felt afraid and scolded fiercely. He shook off Brent’s grip, got up, and moved back.

Spitting on the ground fiercely, he threatened, “You are lucky. Jack actually gets to save your ass. Remember, don’t fucking talk nonsense when he comes. I did this because this bitch owes me money. If you offend me, I will ask my people to deal with you. Even Jack can’t do anything.”

“Young… master…”

Brent was stunned.


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