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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 

Herman looked a bit chilly, furrowing his brows at the sight of Collin Witt entering the room, 

“Why are you here?” Herman asked, his voice deep. 

“Just passing by and thought Id see what you’re up to. Haven’t seen you about recently,” said Collin nonchalantly. He let Herman’s secretary pour him a coffee, then made himself comfortable on the sofa. “Heard you gave Blake a beating yesterday? You haven’t thrown a punch in years, quite strange” 

“Just flexing my muscles a bit, Herman smirked. Just because i havent thrown any punches in years doesnt mean I ve forgotten how to fight” 

What could possibly make you use your fists? Heard it was over a girl?” Collin asked curiously 

Herman corrected him casually “She’s my wife” 

“Wife?” Collin choked on his coffee, coughing uncontrollably. “Herman, are you joking? When did you get married?” 

Herman pulled out a marriage certificate from his drawer and placed it on the table. “Last month.” 

Collin put down his coffee cup and hurriedly inspected the marriage certificate. 

He saw a photo of Herman with a very beautiful woman. The document was definitely real, no doubt about it 

“Herman you got mamed and didn’t even invite me for a drink Collin exclaimed. Thats heartless” 

invite you when we have the wedding said Herman stowing away the certificate like a precious gem, locking it back in the drawer 

Collin pinched himself; it hurt, so he wasn’t dreaming 

“I thought at most youd be dating someone, didn’t think youd go and get married,” said Collin. “Tonight you must bring your wife to meet me You’ve kept this a big secret.” 

“Not tonight, Herman said “We can catch up later” 

With the Ledford family matters unresolved and Anastasia now fired, he wasn’t in the mood to introduce her to Collin tonight 

“Because of the Ledford family thing?” Collin asked, sitting down. “You’ve cost Ledford Corporation billions. Kenny must be crying” 

“He should be,” Herman replied, his voice steady, his index finger tapping against the table “The crisis at Ledford Corporation is snowballing. It’s only going to get worse” 

“Are you going to completely destroy them?” Collin asked, a hint of fear in his voice. 

I’ve given them a chance to survive, Herman smirked Kenny will probably have to sell Ledford Estate Management to keep his head above water.” Collin said, “The market opened this morning with Ledford Corporation’s stocks nosediving, Selling it now wouldn’t do much good” 

-“He has no other choice, Herman said casually, sipping his coffee. “Ledford Estate Management is the only valuable asset left. Ledford Corporations 

debt to the bank has to be cleared this year 

Collin watched Herman in thought for a moment, then voiced his suspicion, Something seems off. Did you have your eye on Ledford Estate Management from the start?” 

“Yes,” replied Herman calmly. 

Collin fell silent 

“Having lost billions to you and now with the possibility of you buying Ledford Estate Management for a song, Kenny might just faint,” Colith teased. “You’ve had a good run in both love and business. Your wife must be your lucky charm.” 


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