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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103 

Selena got the picture loud and clear. They were here to apologize. 

But why would they apologize to Anastasia? 

One’s a business bigwig, and the other’s a fresh-faced assistant. 

No way that was happening. 

But here they were. 

Pigs really do fly 

Selena remembered something Victor once said, Could Anastasia be not as average as she seemed? 

But she’d seen Anastasia’s resume, a married woman with only a high school diploma. Her work experience was nothing but hawking stuff on the street. 

How could someone like that get an apology from the Ledford family? 

It was mind-boggling 

Even if the Ledford family had issues, it was still way out of Anastasia’s league. 

Kenny was all smiles, with sincerity oozing from every pore, but Anastasia wasn’t about to accept his apology. 

If she did, would the Ledford family accuse her of blackmail? 

These jewels were worth a fortune. If they were seen as ill-gotten gains, she could be looking at hard times. 

Anastasia carefully declined Kenny’s apology, shaking her head, “I really cant accept this. You should take it back.” 

Hearing that, Kenny got antsy, signaling to Blake, “You messed up. You need to apologize to Ms. Jewell until she forgives you 

Silence from Anastasia 

Wasn’t this some kind of moral bullying? 

Blake struggled to his feet from his gurney, wincing in pain. He apologized again, “Ms Jewell, I was totally out of line last night. I’m willing to make it right” 

Blake didn’t have a drop of booze last night, and Anastasia didn’t smell a whiff of alcohol 

And even if he did drink, that didn’t give him a free pass. 

Anastasia gave the Ledford family a look. Even though she didn’t understand why they were begging for her forgiveness instead of blaming her, she still said, “Blake, you’re an adult. You can control yourself. I believe you knew exactly what you were doing last night. You should be thanking your father.” 

Anastasia figured Kenny was apologizing because he knew right from wrong, not just blindly protecting his son 

Blake didn’t argue. He hung his head, a stark contrast to his previous cocky demeanor 

Kenny seized the opportunity to ask, ‘Ms. Jewell, so you’re gonna let last night slide?” 

Anastasia hit back, “Actually, I wanted to ask, are you really not going to pursue it?” 

His son was beaten to a pulp and even lost a finger, and he was willing to let her off the hook. 

Kenny quickly waved his hands, “Who am I to pursue anything? It was all my stupid son’s fault.” 

Hearing the Ledford family wouldn’t pursue it, Anastasia was over the moon. 

She confirmed, “So we’re just gonna let this go?” 

Kenny stated, “Whatever you say goes” 

Getting a definitive answer, Anastasia breathed a sigh of relief, “Let’s just leave it at that then. Blake suffered enough. That’s payback enough” 


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