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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 118

Chapter 118 

Selena stormed off, itching to see what tricks Anastasia had up her sleeve to handle Everlee 

Victor got wind of Everlee’s antics at the company against Anastasia and promptly spilled the beans to Herman. 

Herman responded nonchalantly. “You don’t have to stick your nose in. Let Anastasia do her thing. As long as she’s happy, it’s all good” 

Herman’s words made him sound like a king who couldn’t rule for toffee. 

While Victor knew that Anastasia relied on Herman, he wasn’t entirely aware of the specifics of their relationship and was now making some guesses 

It seemed he needed to pull out all the stops in front of the future wife of his president. 

Herman hung up and planned to return to Salstrom Manor. 

He called his driver to wait at the gate of his community and stepped out. 

As Herman emerged from the building and passed by the children’s playground in the community, a little girl suddenly tugged at his sleeve. 

Herman looked down at the little girl. She was around four years old, with delicate features, giving him a sense of déjà vu 

The little girl was skinny, her face was not chubby, and she looked malnourished. Her clothes were faded from washing, and her short hair was unevenly cut, indicating it wasn’t the handy work of a professional hairdresser. 

The little girl didn’t speak, just stared at Herman, and pointed to a tree 

Herman looked up and saw a kite stuck in the tree. 

Herman asked, “Do you want me to get that kite for you?” 

The little girl didnt speak but nodded, expressing her wish. 

Herman looked at the girl. Her clear eyes, tinged with a little timidity, stirred a sense of unease and familiarity in him, 

Noticing Hermanis hesitation, the little girl shook his sleeve, acting coy and somewhat desperate, as if afraid Herman wouldn’t lend a hand. 

“Alright, I’ll get the kite for you! 

Hearing this, the little girl beamed with joy, her eyes sparkling. She was adorable. 

This left Herman somewhat dazed, as the girl reminded him of Anastasia when she was little. 

He quickly averted his gaze and gave the girl a smile. 

The little girl froze for a moment, she felt warmth in this stranger, the kind of warmth that felt like a father’s love. 

The kite was stuck high up in the tree. Herman found a stick and after much effort, he managed to dislodge it. 

However, the kite was torn by the branches. Seeing her damaged kite, the little girl started to cry 

“What’s wrong?” Herman, inexperienced with dealing with children, didn’t know how to comfort her and felt at a loss. 

The little girl shook her head, clung tightly to the kite, gave Herman a bow, and then ran off 

Herman was a little confused, his gazes subconsciously tracing the little girl’s figure 

The girl ran to a woman pushing a stroller 

The woman saw the girl and gave her a hard pinch on her arm, seeming to scold her. 

The little girl lowered her head, not crying out despite the pain, and silently followed the woman. 

Seeing the girl being mistreated, Herman felt a pang in his heart. 

That was when he heard someone gossiping next to him. 

“That poor girl! How can her mother favor her son so much?” 


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