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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121 

Herman, being the thoughtful hubby he was, was already waiting downstairs to pick up Anastasia from work. 

Man, there was nothing like having her man pick her up from work it was like a scene straight out of a rom-com! 

Anastasia, in high spirits, told Herman on the phone, Til be right down.” 

After hanging up, Lauren joked, “Your hubby’s here to get you? What a catch! Girl, you lucked out.” 

Some people who were previously unaware of Anastasia’s marriage now knew about it as well 

Anastasia’s beauty had the gals green with envy. Sometimes, a woman’s jealousy was just too hard to explain. 

But now that they knew Anastasia was off the market, the green-eyed monster had calmed down a bit. 

1 gotta stop yapping and head out, Anastasia said with a smile. He’s taking me to meet his pals tonight.” 

“Off you go,” Lauren said, clearly envious. “Lucky you, having someone to look out for you and watch your back.” 

Anastasia grinned, gathered her stuff and headed downstairs. 

Herman was waiting by his Chevy parked curbside. Seeing the car, Anastasia’s heart fluttered and she quickened her pace. 

There was a saying that held true when loved someone, one couldn’t wait to be by their side. 

Herman saw Anastasia approaching in the rearview mirror, gave a small smile and got out to open the door for her. 

“Why are you running? Watch your step.” 

“I couldn’t wait to see you said Anastasia, not holding back her affections for Herman “I have good news. I’ve designed a necklace that Everlee loves. You should’ve seen Selena’s face change when she saw it” 

Ever since meeting Herman, Anastasia felt like everything was falling into place. No matter what the obstacles were, they always managed to overcome 


Today was no different. She was content and filled with joy 

Herman pulled Anastasia in for a kiss. “My wife, you’re the best. Consider this your reward.” 

This bold move made Anastasia blush in broad daylight. 

She playfully smacked Herman’s chest, “Get in the car! It’d be embarrassing if someone we know saw us.” 

Herman chuckled and made a gentlemanly gesture, “My lady, after you” 

Anastasia was amused and laughed, responding. “Sure. My lord,” and got in the car 

When being in love, even the wind smelled sweet. Anastasia was living proof of that 

Once they were on the road, Anastasia asked, “Where are we going for dinner? Who’s this friend of yours? is what I’m wearing okay?” 

“Don’t worry, he’s an old friend, reassured Herman, holding her hand. “It’s just a casual dinner, Relax you look stunning.” 

Feeling relieved, Anastasia cheerfully said, “Herman, I think you’re my lucky charm. Since meeting you, all my problems seem to solve themselves. 

Herman smiled. Then III have to protect you, so your life will always be this smooth” 

Talk about a heart-warmer. 

Anastasia was touched. As she looked at him, she saw the love of her life 

Herman let Anastasia look at him. When they stopped at a traffic light, he leaned in and whispered, ‘Tonight, when we get home, I’ll let you have an even closer look.” 

Anastasia Was stunned for a while, “You have a dirty mind,” Anastasia said, playfully smacking Herman. “So, the gentleman act was a facade, huh?” 

Who would’ve thought that Herman, who always seemed so upright, had a wicked sense of humor? 

Herman held her hand and gave it a light kiss, Im just being honest.” 

Before they knew it, they had arrived at the restaurant. 

was a discreet private-dish restaurant located in prime Riverdale real estate. The restaurant was tastefully decorated, oozing luxury without being 


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