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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 

He had some stuff to deal with, so he left early,Herman said, starting the car. I’ll drop you guys off” 

Herman drove Anastasia and her mom back to their apartment, which was his firsttime visiting Anastasia’s place. The apartment was tiny with only one bedroom. The living room had a bed separated by curtains. Despite its small size, it was very tidy Clearly, Anastasia was sleeping on the bed in the living room, leaving the room to her mother. Rent was pretty steep in Riverdale, and the mother and daughter’s income were just enough to scrape by Herman thought about the 50 grand Anastasia had given him for the car. That must have taken her quite a while to save up. To Herman, 50 grand wasn’t a big deal, but for Anastasia, it was a result of scrimping and saving for a long time

Seeing Herman inspecting their apartment, Anastasia felt a bit embarrassed. We only have water at home. Care for a drink?” 

They didn’t even have coffee at home, and she didn’t usually drink coffee either

The apartment was so small that there was no dining room. Anastasia usually ate at the coffee table in the living room. Compared to Herman’s three bedroom apartment, the difference was huge, and Anastasia naturally felt a bit awkward

Herman didn’t show any sign of dissatisfaction and sat down on the sofa. Sure.” 

After Anastasia poured him a glass of water, Salma suddenly said, Ana, Herman’s off today. Why don’t you move in with him? You’re already married. You can’t keep living here.” 

Anastasia looked at Salma in surprise. Mom, what about you?” 

It was clear from Salma’s words that she didn’t intend to move with them

I’ve already paid a year’s rent in advance, it would be such a waste if I move out now. I’ll just stay here I’m an old lady. I won’t bother you two,Salma said, looking at Herman with a smile. Herman, take Ana with you.” 

Salma was a sensible person. While Herman was paying the bill, Anastasia told her that Herman wanted her to move in with them too. His intention was enough. Anastasia and Herman had just gotten married and didn’t have an emotional foundation yet. It wouldn’t be appropriate if she moved in with them. As an elder, she needed to respect the young couple’s space

Anastasia quickly said, Mom, that’s not right. Your health is not good. What if there’s no one to take care of you?” 

Herman understood what Salma meant. Salma, why don’t you move in with us? The environment there is better and it would save some rent. As for the rent you’ve already paid, I’ll talk to the landlord to see if we can get a refund. We are worried about your health.” 

Herman knew that the mother and daughter were very thrifty. The only way to convince Salma to move was to bring up the rent issue

Salma shook her head firmly. I’m used to living here, and it’s not far from your place. If anything happens, I can just call you. Ana, come on. Pack your things and go with Herman.” 

Neither Anastasia nor Herman were able to persuade Salma who insisted that Anastasia move out that very day

Feeling helpless, Anastasia gave in considering that the new place was only a 20minute drive away. So she packed her clothes and moved into Harmony Meadows with Herman

Moving was a physically demanding and tedious task. After moving and organizing everything, it was already evening. She chose the bedroom on the left side of the living room, while Herman took the master bedroom on the right


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