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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 41

Chapter 41 

Anastasia walked into the interview waiting area with her resume, but got a rude shock by what was in front of her

The waiting area was packed with people, all holding resumes, all there for interviews

The competition was fierce

It took Anastasia some time to find a seat. The girl next to her struck up a conversation

You’re here for the jewelry designer interview too?” 

Anastasia smiled and nodded, Yes.” 

The girl continued, My name is Lauren Mill. I just came back from studying in France. I love jewelry design and have won many awards. What about you?Upon hearing such credentials, Anastasia felt a little bashful and subconsciously covered her resume, I’m Anastasia.” 

As for the resume, she felt too embarrassed to elaborate

Lauren was very outgoing and asked, I heard they’re only hiring three people. Are you confident?” 

Anastasia replied with a smile, “I was quite confident before I saw the crowd. Now, not so much.” 

Lauren laughed, I asked around. There are a lot of talents here today. It’s not going to be easy to stand out. Oh, do you have a boyfriend? Are you 


Lauren asked such personal questions directly. Anastasia was taken aback, but answered, I’m married.” 

That’s good, Lauren seemed relieved, You are so pretty. If you get hired, that’s one more competitor for me.” 

Anastasia was speechless. What kind of logic was that

They were here for a designer interview, not a beauty pageant

Anastasia asked, Ms. Lauren, just to make sure, this is the interview for Elysian Technologiesjewelry designer, right?” 

Yes,Lauren corrected. To be precise, it’s for an assistant designer.” 

Anastasia breathed a sigh of relief, Then, there’s no problem.” 

She thought she might have come to the wrong place

Then, Anastasia asked, Ms. Lauren, with your high qualifications and many awards, why are you applying for an assistant designer position?” 

With Lauren’s credentials, many big companies would want her

I’m not after the position, I want to get into Elysian Technologies, Lauren said bluntly. As long as I get in the design department, one day, I can make it to the CEO’s office and see the man of my dreams.” 

Anastasia said, My husband told me that even if you get hired, you’d work in a subsidiary company, not in the Elysian Tower.” 

Upon hearing this, Lauren’s face changed, but she quickly recovered, It doesn’t matter. As long as we’re in the same company, I’ll have a chance to see 


Elysian Technologies has thousands of employees. For designers in subsidiaries like them, the chance of seeing the CEO is almost zero

Anastasia didn’t want to burst Lauren’s bubble anymore. Lauren asked, “Anastasia, how does your husband know so much? Is he with Elysian Technologies?

It’s generally discouraged for office employees to date each other. Thinking of Herman’s future, Anastasia denied it, No.” 


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