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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 46

Chapter 46 

Anastasia felt a bit guilty, startled by Herman, who was suddenly awakened

1.I didn’t mean to spy on youAnastasia withdrew her extended hand, hiding it behind her, like a child caught doing something wrong 

Herman stayed lying on the sofa, his deep gaze fixed on her, We’re legally married, it’s perfectly fine for you to watch me sleep. If you enjoy it, feel free to do it every day.” 

Every day.. 

Did that mean sharing a bed

Was Herman hinting that they no longer needed to sleep in separate rooms

Anastasia chuckled awkwardly sidestepping the topic, and asked him. Why are you sleeping here?” 

1 was too tired and passed out before I knew it. Herman sat up, casually replying

Upon hearing that Herman was so exhausted that he fell asleep in the living room, Anastasia felt a pang of sympathy, though she was yet to realize it herself

Sorry, I woke you up.” Anastasia asked, Did you eat the watermelon I left for you? Was it good? Was it sweet?” 

Herman recalled the watermelon that had him running to the tuilet all night, his butt was still sore to think about it

“…It was delicious, very sweet.” 

Just as Herman finished speaking, his stomach started acting up again, I need to go to the restroom” 

Once again, Herman spent twenty minutes in the restroom. By the time he came out, Anastasia had already prepared breakfast

I made sandwiches. Come eat after freshening up. I’m gonna check with your aunt next door to see if she wants breakfast.” 

Herman, unaware that Katelyn had moved next door, was puzzled at Anastasia’s words, My aunt is next door?” 

He wanted to say my mom, but quickly corrected himself

“Yep, didn’t you know? Your aunt bought the place next door and moved in yesterday” 

Herman was familiar with his mother’s character. The fact that she moved next door meant she was keeping an eye on him and Anastasia

No need to go over. My aunt never eats breakfast, probably still in bed.” 

Katelyn always liked to sleep in. She wouldn’t get up before ten

Oh, I seeAnastasia didn’t bother to call her. She told him, You should start on breakfast. I’ll get started with cleaning.” 

Herman asked, You’re not eating?” 

I have a medical checkup at the hospital today, need to be on an empty stomach. Go ahead and eat.Anastasia said, By the way, why do you think Elysian Technologies hired me? Of all the talented people, I was chosen.” 

They have good taste.Herman knew exactly what Anastasia had encountered during the interview. But since Anastasia didn’t bring it up, he kept it to himself

The interviewer, on the other hand, had already been fired

Anastasia chuckled, Anyway, it feels a bit strange 

Herman changed the subject. What time is your checkup?” 

I booked it for 9:30 on my phone” 

“I’ll go with you 

Anastasia was about to say that Monica would accompany her, but upon hearing Herman’s offer, she didn’t say much. She texted Monica, saying she didn’t need her company for the hospital visit

Anastasia found it strange. Monica was a late riser, but knowing that she had a medical checkup at 9:30, she insisted on going together

It was just a checkup, not a sickness. Monica being so anxious seemed weird

Monica had set on alarm. As soon as she woke up, she saw the message from Anastasia and instantly became alert

If Herman accompanied Anastasia for the medical checkup and her secret was discovered, then what

Without bothering to freshen up, Monica rushed to Harmony Meadows and waited for Anastasia and Herman

Luckily, she made it in time and bumped into Anastasia, who was heading to the hospital



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