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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 

Joey’s full attention was on the baby in Dora’s belly, he didn’t have the time to argue with Gianna 

Gianna, you better leave now, don’t make a fool of yourself here” 

Those words only stoked Gianna’s rage. “You cheated on me, knocked up another woman, and I’m the one who should be embarrassed? Eight years of marriage, Joey, did you do me right? Are you even human?” 

In the public sphere, Gianna and Dora started arguing, immediately drawing a crowd 

People started pointing fingers at Dora, while others criticized Gianna for being too domineering, considering Dora was carrying a baby 

Hearing some support, Dora smugly retorted, Gianna, you’ve been with Joey for eight years and haven’t popped out a single baby You can’t have kids and now you’re trying to deprive Joey of having any? Joey’s been over you for a while now You better divorce him now and stop wasting time 

Even Anastasia was taken aback by Dora’s audacity 

In this day and age, a homewrecker dared to be so arrogant

Being unable to have kids was Gianna’s pain. Seeing Dora pregnant, she lost her cool once again

Joey kept silent at this point. Gianna grabbed her bag and flung it at Dora 

I’ll make you pay for being a homewrecker!” 

Joey stepped in front of Dora, grabbed Gianna, and scolded, Are you trying to make a scene here and embarrass me?” 

I’ve gone mad, and it’s all because of you two!” 

Gianna continued to attack Dora and argue with Joey. Joey became angry and slapped Gianna, causing her to lose balance and fall to the ground 

Look at yourself, you’re acting like a shrew.” 

Gianna fell silent, unable to believe her husband would treat her this way

You hit me for her? Joey, you’ll regret this.” 

Seeing Gianna get slapped, Dora felt a tinge of satisfaction, but she put on a pained expression, hugging Joey and crying, Joey, my stomach hurts.” 

Joey immediately grew anxious, disregarding Gianna and rushing Dora to find a doctor

You bastard, Joey.Gianna cursed at Joey, but she couldn’t stop him from leaving

Gianna couldn’t control her emotions and started crying

Anastasia stood aside, unsure whether to step in

She knew Gianna’s temper, if she stepped in, she’d definitely get dragged into the fight

As expected, Gianna turned her accusations towards Anastasia

Are you here to laugh at me? You knew Joey was seeing someone else. You’re jealous of me, so you helped them gang up on me, right?” 

Anastasia had no response, Don’t be ridiculous, your problems are not my business” 

Even if she knew about Joey’s affairs and told Gianna in advance, would Gianna be grateful


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