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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 

Anastasia didn’t stick around Alessia and her husband for too long as she needed to get back to work. She simply gave a gift for the baby, and then took 


Anastasia was quite generous this time, however, she was willing to prepare a more expensive gift for the baby

Because she was the baby’s godmother, it was necessary for her to prepare a gift for the child

Anastasia hailed a cab to go back to the office. On the way, she couldn’t help but call her mother

She wanted to clear up some fuzzy images that were floating around in her head

Salma, who was comforting Cynthia, immediately picked up the call when she saw it was from Anastasia 

Salma asked with concern, Ana, it’s your first day back at work, how’s it going?” 

Mom, I’m good, Anastasia replied cautiously, I just accompanied a colleague to the hospital for her delivery, and now I’m on my way back to the office. As a token of gratitude, she asked me to be the baby’s godmother.” 

Salma chuckled, That’s a good thing, getting along with coworkers helps you” 

Uhhuh.Anastasia held her phone and looked out the car window, Mom, when my colleague went into the delivery room, I suddenly remembered something.” 

This startled Salma on the other end of the phone

Salma’s face changed instantly, and she asked anxiously, What did you remember?” 

Salma’s question made Anastasia even more uneasy

Mom, did I have a serious illness before? I remember being pushed into the operation room, and I was holding your hand” 

Salma casually replied, Yes, you were ill, you had an appendectomy a few years back. You were so scared of the pain, you held my hand and cried just like when you were a child” 

Anastasia was skeptical, Was it an appendectomy?” 

Yes,” Salma confirmed, Monica was with us too, don’t you remember? Ana, are you under a lot of stress at work, why are you having all these crazy thoughts?” 

Anastasia wasn’t sure whether to believe her mother, because there were so many things she couldn’t remember. When she was depressed, the doctor said her brain was stimulated, which may cause selective amnesia

Sometimes she felt that she remembered everything, but often felt that she had forgotten something

When Anastasia thought of Alessia going into the delivery room and the newly born baby, her heart began to ache and she felt very uncomfortable. Her mood also became very bad, somewhat out of control

Mom, I want to ask, Anastasia clutched her chest, barely able to speak, Did I ever have a child?” 

It took all the courage she had to ask this question

Because she couldn’t believe it herself, she had no memory of it and she never had more than a friendly relationship with Cason, how could she possibly have a child

But she just couldn’t understand why she would ask such a question

This question scared both her and Salma

Anastasia, stop imagining things, you’ve just got married, of course you don’t have a child.Salma tried to remain calm, Have you been watching too many TV dramas lately, or did something upset you, don’t scare me, is it your husband’s family pressuring you to have a baby?” 


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