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The Bound Between Us (Anastasia and Herman) novel Chapter 91

Chapter 91 

Kenny was itching to take Blake to apologize right away. 

But Herman had made it clear that it was too late for that. 

This basically meant he wanted to keep the Ledford family on tenterhooks for the night. 

There was no way Kenny was getting a wink of sleep that night. 

All Kenny could do now was pray for the dawn to break early and for Herman to show some mercy. He hoped that the Ledford Corporation wouldn’t suffer too much damage and that Anastasia would forgive Blake. 

Herman had said his piece, and Kenny got the drift. Once he got out of the car, he stood by the roadside, respectfully watching Herman’s car drive away, then wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. 

For the first time, Kenny had to swallow his pride in front of a youngster. 

What could he do when he didn’t have the balls to offend the Salstrom family. 

When he had to yield, he had to yield. 

As the head honcho of Ledford Corporation, with hundreds of jobs in his hands, he couldn’t let his stubbornness ruin the glory of Ledford Corporation. 

Staggering, Kenny headed towards the hospital. His assistant hurriedly came to support him, “Mr. Ledford; aren’t we going to the company? Why is Mr. Salstrom here in the middle of the night?” 

“Going to the company now is pointless.” Kenny sighed, clearly disappointed. 

“That rule-breaking rascal! It’s one thing for him to be a troublemaker, but this time he’s really screwed up. His injuries… they’re from Herman. He could’ve had his pick of the ladies, but he had to make a move on Herman’s wife’ 

“What?” His assistant was equally shocked, Wasn’t this just asking for trouble? 

Kenny looked like he d aged a decade, his expression weary. “Herman is known for his ruthless coldness. He’s given me a night to remember this lesson. To watch as the Ledford Corporation slowly crumbles. How far it crumbles is up to him. I can’t stop it.” 

The bigger the company, the bigger the risks. It could collapse in an instant. 

In the hospital room. 

The effects of the anesthetic had worn off, and Blake was awake. He was in pain all over and didn’t dare move. 

The beating kept replaying in his mind, and a deep-seated fear flashed in his eyes. 

He was traumatized. 

Ava was ecstatic to see him awake and wanted to comfort him. But as soon as she approached, Blake instinctively raised his hand to protect his face, “Don’t hit me.” 

“Blake.” Ava shed tears of sympathy as her trembling hand held Blake’s. “Blake, it’s me. Don’t be afraid. I’m here; nobody will hit you.” 

After he noticed that it was Ava, Blake immediately started whining, “Grandma, I hurt all over. You’ve got to get revenge for me. Punish the guy who hit 

“Alright, I’ll punish him harshly. Nobody messes with my grandson and gets away with it” Ava comforted him, her heart aching. 

Now that Blake was awake, Everlee was also overjoyed and called out excitedly. “Blake” 


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