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The Bride Of The Billionaire novel Chapter 19

A lot of people approach Raze and ask my name, also asking if who I am and why I'm with him... are they sane? Of course I'm with him to watch the show. Tsk!

"She's Lorence Catherine, my girl!" he said then I just greet hi friend.

"It's been a while since you had a date except your fiance, Sabrina! Where is she? " a man with a gray hair asked him, he's like in middle 30's but his hair already turns gray, is that pure or just a dye?

"I graduated at playing with girls and Sabrina isn't my fiance! I turn down his dad's offer!"

"That's really you! How many girls you rejected? It's not countable and you also disappoint their parents who badly wants you Mr. Coleman!" The guy is laughing.

He rejects a lot of woman? For sure! He's a beast!

"I found the one now, unreplaceable!" he reply and glance at me, smiling.

The man whisper him something, why he have too? Are he scared to let me know? after that they're laughing.

"Indeed, and a precious one!" he responded. They're aliens now.

He was proud telling everyone who ask him that I'm the woman of his heart. That made me feel shy and uncomfortable, we're surrounded by a powerful person, luckily, no one ask about my job, being a maid isn't bad but my status was distanced than Raze, he is unreachable and maybe his friends will laugh if they know that Raze was with a maid. Well, maybe I'm just over reacting.

We comfortably take a seat and after a moment, the show starts.

I never watched this before, seeing a violinist and it's accompanist made me remember the anime I watched 'Your lie in April' where the man on the story was her accompanist.

While watching the performance, I was leaning on Raze's shoulders and our fingers were intertwined.

The first performance sounds sad and dramatic like it reach our hearts, the second one was lovely like it's dedicated to all lovers but both of it has a good quality.

So far, I enjoyed the performance until the end.

"Where's the comfort room?" I asked him

"Come on, follow me!" it's already 4:30 and the performances was done.

He accompany me and wait me outside. I just pee and go out, I found him talking with a beautiful woman, she's the girl who perform first earlier.

"Thanks for coming" I heard the girl. Did he invited him? I don't know what's their previous topic but Raze was smiling... with her.

Conscience: You said you don't want a smile to leave his lips, be careful with a wish sometimes. BWAHAHAHAHA!

Lorence: Stop meddling, it's fine!

"Who's with you anyway?" she asked Raze

"I'm with Lorence!"

"Oh? you're with a man? Anyway, can we go out?" that made me stop walking.

"A-ah! Lorence isn't a man, it's just that her name was cool as her!" he explained that made me smile.

"Shit! Really? Ah! unfortunately, I thought I can stole you from Sabrina." she responded and chuckle sweetly.

"Raze!" I call to catch his attention.

"Hey! honey come here." fuck! that made me blush.

"Celestine this is Lorence Catherine, Cath she's Celestine!"

"Hi!"I greeted

"Hi! Nice meeting you Cath"

"Tine, we have to go now!" it's Raze

"Yeah, sure! Cath, you're lucky!" She said and smile.

"Y-yeah! Bye!" I respond, waving my hand with a smile.

"We're going to the mall first before going home!" he said and I just nod, while walking he's just focusing on his phone. Hmmm?

I just nevermind him, maybe about his business.

Conscience: or maybe his woman.

Lorence: put a tape on your mouth please!

I hear secretly roll my eyes. I was  shut in silence while we're heading to the mall.

I'm expecting that we're going around but he said that I'll stay inside the car instead. Fuck! What is he doing?

I was bored inside his car, I don't have a phone and the music from his car was annoying.

"Yeah! Thanks for the care beautiful!" the door open, he's on a phone call. He's smiling while listening.

"I'm going home now, call you later. Bye!" I just listen. He keep his phone after the call and sit at the driver's seat then start the cars engine like I don't exist.

He is making me feel bad.

"Buckle your seatbelt!" he said seriously.

Really? I was used that he do it for me. Well, I can do it without him. I sadly buckle my seatbelt before we leave the place.

I really feel bad,my heart's sad and everything feels the same. I just look outside, why I feel this way? I can't take it, I just close my eyes and act like I'm sleeping.

"Hey! I'm on my way home now! I said I'll call you later. Yeah! I'll call you when I get home. Bye!" another caller? Waaaah! I wanna cry!

Our shared memories was here, bothering me! His lines, I can't forget it. Did he say I love you just to fool me? I really feel like crying.

"Hey! Lorence, we're here!" he shake my shoulders so I pretend that I just woke up. Fuck! My neck was stiffed.

He didn't open the door for me, he never hold my hand as we walk inside but he didn't open the door for me, he never hold my hand as we walk inside, he was holding his phone and calling someone... maybe that's his woman!?

"R-raze?" I call him.

"Hey! Just go first! I have to call someone important!" someone important?

"O-okay!"  That makes me more sad. So, it's just his game? His another game?

"Lorence?" mother Sharn call me, she's not smiling.

"Mother Sharn?"

"Good thing that you're here. We need you!"

"For what?" I look around, everyone seems busy. There's a visitor?

"We have a visitor, can you clean the guest room near the movie house?" I want to complain that it's my day off and I'm emotionally distracted to do a job, I think I can't make it nicely.

"S-sure, I'll change my clothes first" I said and continue walking towards my room.

I wear a black hoodie and a faded denim shorts.

I look at my reflection, my eyes were watery so I take a deep breath to recover.

I plug an earphones and listen to the music, I make the volume full so I can't hear anyone, I don't want to hear anything.

I get the vacuum and went upstairs.

Erika saw me but she just ignore me like others do, why? What's wrong this time? I was bothered while cleaning the guest room. I put a bed sheets, prepare the pillow and arrange them perfect. I stay there for hours and went out when I feel bored.


I get the earphone at my left ear.

"Lorence!" it's Nely who call me this time, she sounds hurrying.


"Can you wash this?" she hand me a laundry basket.

'Im not assigned at the laundry' I want to protest but I didn't say anything, I just grab the basket and head the laundry room after putting the vacuum back at it's right place. I wonder why weird things was happening now.

"Eri--" she roll her eyes and harshly turn her back, why she's acting like that? I do nothing.

She go out the laundry room, what did she do here anyway? She's like checking me out.

I put the clothes at the washing machine and count how many times it rolled in just to entertain myself.

I'm about to rinse the clothes when someone rushed inside.

"L-lorence!" it's Cleo, she's panting.

"Oh?" I ask curiously, maybe she needs me.

"L-lorence, R-raze was drowned, he is at the pool! Help us!" Huh? drowned? He don't know how to swim? That billionaire can't pay for a swimming lessons? Fuck! are they kidding me?  but... I can't process everything.

"E-eh? why?"

"He got sprained!" without responding, I hurriedly run outside, rushing to go at the pool.

There's a music playing...


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