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The Bride Of The Billionaire novel Chapter 2

I can't believe that I'm already here, I met aunt Nely yesterday after the agencies service fetch me.

Today I have a chance to roam around the city according to the superior.

Infront on my reflection, I'm wearing a maroon dress paired with my classy cheap white shoes.

I laugh a bit with that description.

Classy because it's a special gift and cheap because it's a gift, I didn't spent a penny. Lol! please laugh! XD

This place is totally amazing!

A lot of high beautiful buildings, parks and even the side walk looks great.

"Waah! hi sissy!" I greeted, it's Stacey on the screen.

I'm walking while talking to her,

"Look at the background Stacey, a beautiful building isn't it? "

"Uwoo, sis! I want to go to city too!"I can't explain her expression but it says, she's amazed.



What was that?

Of course a car! Dang!

My heartbeat go crazy because of that fuckin' beep of the car. Damn!

I off the call, ignoring Stacey's questions and face the car- WOOOW! A luxurious car.

But heck! That car almost bring me to death.

I slam the wind shield as I stand beside it. Holy fudge!

I'll choke this person to death! I swear.

"Hey! get out!" I tell while slamming his wind shield hard.


He suddenly open his car so I'm here, fuckin' sitting at my butt.

Fudge! He? Yes! He's a he!

Umay! What a delicious food. Yum!

conscience: Back to your world please, that delicious man almost kill you, right?

Aish, I can stand, my butt! Ouch!

I was gawk looking at him until he grab my hand harshly.

Damn! Very ungentleman.

"What?" he snort while his brows were crossed. Aish!

I get annoyed looking at his expression.

"YOU! YOU ALMOST KILL ME! CAN'T YOU SEE? AND YOU open your door harshly so I smashed down!" I complain while pointing at his glazed face.

What the hell.

Is he a robot?

I see no expression at his face.

"Are you chump?" He answer coldly, I clear my throat as if it can ease the tension. HELL!

My heart's thumping so hard!

"Don't you know that you're walking at the center of the lane? WHILE using your phone? Is that my fault? Clumsy! Tsk!" He sounds mad and like he loss the single string of his patience BUT his face remain blank.

I look back and there, I start to feel embarrassment.

I chuckle, "Ah,eh! I'm just trying to take the mickey! Stupid handsome" I excuse while whispering the last part.

I hear some beeps. Damn!

This is called stupidity Lorence!

Can you imagine yourself at the center of the lane beside the luxurious car and surrounded by a lot of cars and public vehicles.

Argh! I want to pull my hair and being eaten by the land!

conscience: how can the land eats you if you're standing at the cement? You're at the road, remember? Dzuh! use brain sometimes.

"I hate you!" I yelled inforn of his face and run away from that scary highway.

I support my hands at my knees while sweaty and panting.

Damn him! He ruin my morning!

That's very embarrassing! Argh! I can't get over.


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