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The Bride Of The Billionaire novel Chapter 32

It's been three days since my family go back to our province. We had fun at our previous days, I had enough with the days I and my family spend with the effort of Raze and mommy Rousey yet I'm bothered.

I keep receiving threats from the unknown and a warning from Mr. Rance that I must leave and forget Raze or else he will do it forcedly himself. Selfish!

I'm getting scared each day and I don't know what exactly to do. However, Raze's smile and everything he do made me want to fight.

"Ranz I'm going out for a bit, I'm just going to meet someone at the café nearby." I informed him before I leave.

I'm going to meet Raze's father and I'm kinda tensed about it. I check my face through my reflection at my phone screen, well, I'm fine it's just that my heartbeat concerns me.

Luckily, Raze isn't around because he is busy so I don't have to worry about where I go. Mr. Rance didn't allow me to tell Raze about everything so I really have to zip my mouth.

I booked a taxi and arrived at the café after only 10 minutes. The place was a bit crowded so. I hardly search him until someone approach me and ask my name then lead the way as he confirms that I'm Lorence.

The atmosphere change as I step near the garden. He choose open air and it's only three of us around plus the waiter nearby like waiting to be called. I saw Mr. Coleman sitting comfortably there with a man behind him, his guard maybe.

"Just continue ma'am" the man who accompanied me spoke as I slowed my steps then he turn his back, leaving me nervously.

I heavily step my feet closer and greet him as I arrived. "Good afternoon Mr. Coleman!"

"Have a sit Lorence" everything he said makes my insides tremble though he is doing nothing. Gush!

"Coffee?" He added.

"A-ah! Sure sir, thanks!"

"Here's the menu book" he is not intimidating this time.

"I want dalgona sir"

"Okay! Waiter, please give her dalgona coffee and give me more tea." The waiter comes close and bow before he continue to leave.

"Sir, why you invite me here?" I ask straightly. I wanna leave now.

"We could talk about that later!"

"How's Raze?" He continue while looking at me like he was a scanner.

"He is fine sir, he is doing great though I sense that something's off and I feel like he is hiding something from me!" I honestly answer, waiting for him to say what I want to hear.

"I see, he is still selfless." He responded and smile, suddenly my heartbeat calms like I'm just talking to my dad.

"What do you mean sir?"

"No need for you to know. Anyway, what did you like about my son?" That's unexpected question.

"About him? He was so rude, ungentleman, grumpy, intimidating, cold and crazy yet I'm wrong. He has something inside him that can make every girls fall in love. Actually, I don't really know how to answer your question sir. I can't find the exact word to explain or I don't really have to explain. I love him and that's it" I manage to answer him and I sounds like insane.

"Okay, how's he as a boss?" He sounds like he don't know what his son's like. Is he playing around?

"He is very kind, thoughtful and the most awesome boss sir. He grow like a perfect fruit and you're the tree sir."

"I'm the tree? You're wrong at that part. If he was a fruit of me then why he is a grapes while I'm an apple? We're pretty much different." He replied seriously then he lean at the backrest and sigh like he has a deep thought.

I didn't respond. He is right, Raze was far different that him. They're far from being similar yet everyone has their own character and traits.

After a minute the waiter came with his tray. I hope I won't palpitate because of dalgona.

"Thanks!" I utter as the waiter place my dalgona.

Why I sense that he is a good father? Maybe he is not strong enough to drop off his pride, to show Raze that he already accept the past.

I don't know but I can see in his eyes the change as he ask about Raze. It's full of love and concern.

"Lorence my next question doesn't make sense but I still want you to answer it. Do you think Sabrina and Raze will do great like they're compatible for each other?" Like what he said his question doesn't make any sense.

"Maybe they are because you're risking everything just to make them together. Both of them can create different world through properties, power and fame but my parents taught me one thing and that is we cannot buy everything, not all the time those what I mentioned earlier can make us happy. Sometimes all we need is a priceless love, attention and effort to make every new day more unforgettable and also memorable." I answer straightly then look at the sky, it's bright and clear though it's already noon time.

"I'm selfish and greedy Lorence. I can't break a compact. Haaa!" He took a deep sigh before he sip his tea. I think I understand what he have done. If I'm not mistaken it's about the engagement of Raze and Sabrina, he had no choice or he set aside all the choices?

"It's fine sir. We can decide for our future and everything will work if the fate won't mess up!" We exchange answers more calm, serious and honest this time until...

"I like you yet I still want you out of my sons life." The most sweetest word I ever heard from him, at least he like me and we had a comfortable conversation with each other. This day is meaningful to me.

"I can't sir, I love your son." I know that he is aware of that.

"What do you need? Tell me, I'll provide then just leave my son." He sounds begging.

"Here, this is worth 1M." He hand me a cheque like it's planned already.

"Sorry sir, like what I've said earlier... We can't buy everything so you can't pay me just to leave him." I sip one more to finish my dalgona and stand.

"Sir I'm sorry for everything and thanks. I have to go sir, thanks for today" I formally bow and turn my back.

"I'm sorry!" I hear him, he said it low like he don't want me to hear it. Why he is sorry?

I leave the place, I'm happy as well as curious. Hmm, maybe life just go this way, complicated.

I'm busy, Raze and I only have time around silent night. He often go home late and exhausted so I just give him the support.

Days passed, as usual Raze will drive me for work before he'll proceed to his meeting or another agenda. He even have less time to message me nor visiting Texno to eat lunch with me. We're busy and I understand him. He has a lot of business and after work he'll do a vlog, that's daily after dinner and I end up watching his vlogs if I miss him. I did every minute because we have a less time for each other since we sometimes both have a hectic schedule.

I love him and it doesn't mean he'll be with me all the time, I learn that love means understanding and do sacrificing for someone. I'm now preparing to surprise him...our first monthsary.

The time is fleeting.

I bake a heart cake for him and I also made a pop up box for him with the content of our taken memories.

Everyday is special but this day will be the most, for us at least. After baking and do the design I put it at the fridge then go outside to wait for him.

Seconds, minutes and hours passed, he's still not coming home, it's already 10pm.

I was so sleepy when I hear an arrival of a car so I run back at my room without making him notice then I play asleep. As expected, he check me. I feel his warm soft lips that touch my forehead and cheek.

"I'm sorry love for my short comings...hmm, you're my rest in this cruel world love!" He sounds sad and I don't know why I feel like crying as he said those and he slowly grope my hair and plant a kiss there. Is he facing some trouble? I hope he will tell me.

He stay silent and I can still facing his presence, after a moment he leave so I hurriedly check the time, it's already 11:45pm. It means I still have 15 minutes. I waited him to go inside his room directly before I fully go out and head the kitchen to get the tray cart and nervously enter at his security system, I'm agitated during the face recognition.

The light was still on, he is probably still at the bath room right now. I slowly close the door and push the food cart near the bed. I'm looking at my wrist watch when I hear the sound of the door at it opens and there... The door expose Raze who's now drying his hair using his towel.

"L-love w--"

"Happy 1st monthsary love." I cutted him to greet. It's exactly midnight. His stern face fade and smiles now ruled his face. He hurriedly draw near and hug me tight.

"I missed you" he whisper and still hugging me tight.

"Me too love" I respond and hug him back.

"Happy first monthsary love" he said them let me go.

He loves the cake, it's designed like his ICEcore's mask, while eating he suddenly stood up and get something at his drawer.

"Here!" He was smiling as he hand me a black box and I excitedly open it.

"WOW! I love this. OMG! Thank you so much love!" That's a white shirt with Zero Two and Hiro's face, looking with each other but that's not so simple as that, the shirt change what you saw when you look from the side, it's us on the shirt too. He had one of it too and he made me super happy. I love how it change the image.

"This is the first and the real start of our adventure love, I'd like to stay with you forever. I hope that it'll be granted." He utter like there's hesitation. I don't have a word to say so instead of that I just give him a peck.

We watch movies together while cuddling until we get sleepy. The next day, he became much more busy than previous days, he even sleep at his company since he has his own room inside his office. I sometimes stole a time and surprise him a coffee with a sticky note beside then he will spent a little time for me until I'll leave and do my job. That's been our routine and I get used to it.

Having fun with him on the way to the office was so much fun and every time he send me home means a lot to me.

"Yey! Cath we're going to launch our 2nd games next week." Cassy excitedly utter.

"Wow, I bet it'll be successful like our previous creation." I'm excited too. That success opens a lot of opportunities not just for me but for all in the company. Lately, we received a lots of projects and create more too. I'm happy that Raze doesn't have a hard time because of concerns but he is busy for the real progress.

"Cath we're going outside, wanna come?" Liza ask me yet I'm not in the mood to go out.

"No, I'm fine here" I just said and look at my phone.

"Sorry!" I received a message from Mr. Rance. I don't know why he's saying sorry. It's been a month since our last talk and wondering why he remember me at this time. I just ignore it and do a digital art on my phone, I'm using Ibispaint and started to make tutorial videos on YouTube. Currently, I already have 500k subscribers just in a month, I'm glad that they like my videos... The funny part is that some of my viewers requested me to do a video like Raze would do it with me.

Amidst creating my art I received an incoming video call from Stacey so I accept it.

"Hi sis! How are you? Oh? Why you look like that?" Suddenly worries replaced the excitement on me because she's crying.


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